cellular magic mirror


Me mars active duty SCABSMOSTLYLARVE SCabSheet


A Latinx Resource Guide: Civil Rights Cases and Events in the United States

1968: East Los Angeles Walkouts

Discrepancies in the education of Anglo and Mexican-American students surfaced in Los Angeles during the 1950s and 1960s. Mexican-American students experienced a 60% dropout rate from high school, and those who did graduate averaged the reading level of an 8th grade Anglo student. In some schools, teachers prohibited students from speaking Spanish, and in others, school staff recommended Mexican-American students educational curriculum meant to help students with mental disabilities. These schools funneled many Mexican American students into vocational programs and discouraged from post-secondary studies. In response, students, teachers, parents, and activists began to organize.ContinueReading Related Tweet EastLosangeles Today



Dear Rep/Mayor Karen,

I signed up for a class that NASAJPL is offering at CourtYard by Marriot Pasadena. As you can see in the LAPD DETAinMENT on METROLA PDF, I was accused of Tresspassing. I i dont know what i need to do to use the transit system safely. LAPD is pushing FareEnforcement but are not making exceptions. If you look at the graphic below in my GMAiL_EMAiL_iNBOX you will see that Los Angeles Police never emailed me back after i was victim of that Armed Gunman at CityHAll with the Playboy Backpack on, so this Tap card thing. I see people at Saint Francis with MailBoxes and There is this place in Santa Monica that offer mailboxes, but im in a different situation since i was Abandoned. I took a shower at Reality_LA, AND I KNOW The Medicated Shampoo and Terry Cloth towel Pulled out at least 200 bugs! The Larve breask my hair down and it just cracks off while Dry Scapl tortures me with itching and burning. Please send a team from NasaJPL to talk to them about what Entomological warfare looks like in Los Angeles .

So I want to make sure i can make the ECOSTRESS Science and Application Team Meeting - Fall 2024 meeting and start making more progress on getting my badge back. Whereever my daughter is, Erika, and the dancing girls… Id dont matter! I have to be badged. A California driver’s license used to be easy to renew. People will not call nasajpl and they look criminal all through los angeles. One of those briefcase Cellphone providers i tried made me scared bc the calls to the front desk are routed to a Hollywood Action Movie actor who was lying to me about important processes there. HollywoodFoodCo have raffles fo id_vouchers. They have no idea how silly they look every single time i get that mediocre ass food! dead bird etc no rice… Click here to see NASAJPL coverage of the LosangelesHeat wave and its a conversation that connects to P{Hytoplankton}, Chemical Lacerations, and unwanted amputations implemented on “The Homeless

ECOSTRESS SpaceX launches Polaris Dawn astronauts to attempt world’s 1st-ever private spacewalk (video)

BobMarley RastaMan Vibration

## CityHall Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA Courtyard arcade - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA Arcade CityHall CityHall CityHall Interior, Council Chamber - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA


FACING SOUTH - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA cityhall10thfloor

South LA - Vergara, Camilo J., photographer

Los Angeles Aqueduct, Antelope Valley, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

antelope valley View south/southeast looking down on 2nd Aqueduct and 1st Aqueduct Cascades towards filtration plant and Los Angeles Reservoir - Los Angeles Aqueduct, Cascades Structures, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA Photos from Survey HAER CA-298-AH

1942 Los Angeles, California. Shoppers Lee, Russell, 1903-1986, photographer

LOS ANGELES SHOPPERS DTLA Water Stairs Los Angeles Aqueduct, Alabama Gates, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA Alabama Gate View south of principal Owens River diversion gates. Natural channel of river bed would bring flow of river through gates beneath walk rails in middle of picture. River is diverted to right for water supply purposes. - Los Angeles Aqueduct, Aqueduct Intake, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA Photos from Survey HAER CA-298-Q 7 picture essay AquaductIntake Los Angeles, California, aerial view 1967 LosAngeles 1967 Los Angeles 1985 [Los Angeles Public Library at Los Angeles City Hall] digital file from original print LA CiTY HALL Library


ms karen bass help!

I was given instructions in 2015 on how to care for my mission duties. Erika and Her boyfriend scheduled the adultery and abandoment around me losing access to employment, then she violently took our daughter from me and accused me of child molestation. She is/was a Jehovahs Witness, that cult originates in East Los Angeles. She was once a local that was called “Crazy Girl” And Even if she is not directly acting againsty me. He partner in adultery stalks me and sabotages every attempt i make to contact NASAJPL. If CRazy Girl from this documentary is not Latto… That is Erika my missing wife relative. I saw erika on a Longbeach HoStroll after the library oneday by the Metrostation by starbucks. Im not mad right now. I just dont want anyone daughter to get sold to singapore and we dont see them no more! iframe


Fine Free?

Rep karen. My managers at nasajpl new that erika was not helping with childcare or food or the search for a house and i gut destituted! Since then she has been in porn and i dont know her psychological makeup. The Library System makes no attempts to work with me having no income. Can you help me openly network my team at nasajpl with the library and get my card clear for checking out books and a tech to go laptop. I have no communication. It makes Ted Ross look super stupid and possibly criminal # SMART_LA

As of August 10, 2021, LA County Library has eliminated fines for overdue books and materials. As of this date, past, present, and future overdue fines for materials will no longer be charged. The burden of administrative fines and fees can create financial strain for low-income families and can contribute to a cycle of economic hardship. Recent actions statewide have brought to light the concept that administrative fees can have a disproportionate impact on vulnerable individuals, particularly youth, non-citizens, and people of color. For these reasons, more and many libraries around the country—and the world—are eliminating fines. LA County Library is happy to be a new member of fine free libraries.

fines Fines UserBlocked FineFree

More than half of California is now ‘abnormally dry,’ drought experts say Newsom lifts drought declaration for most Californians, yet measures remain in some area Gov. Gavin Newsom drops drought emergency for Southern California and Bay Area Halfway through the water year, California-Nevada precipitation is near-normal, with above-normal snowpack. State Water Project Advances Efforts to Prepare for Future Droughts Amid a Changing Climate Drought conditions have mostly disappeared in California. It’s a first in more than a decade People effected By the drought Drought Risk Dams in NorthAmerica

We acknowledge the use of imagery from the NASA Worldview application (https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov), part of the NASA Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS).


The impact of COVID19 pandemic and government enforced lockdowns on levels of attendance and context of sexual assaults reported at Saint Marys Sexual Assault Referral Centre pdf

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is usually experienced by women by their partners and can take many forms including physical and sexual violence.30 Reports of intimate partner violence have increased at varying rates internationally during lockdowns in 2020 compared to the same months in 2019: there was a 23% increase of sexual and psychological violence reported in a survey of 13,786 people in Spain4; calls to a domestic violence helpline in Peru increased by 48%5; emergency calls from women about domestic violence in European Union States increased by 60%6 and domestic violence calls in the United States of America increased by 7.5%.7 Lockdown and economic stress as a result of COVID-19 has been attributed to the increase in IPV, lockdown in particular is considered to have increased incidences of psychological, physical and sexual abuse.4 Although lockdown measures may be temporary, the economic and financial stress felt because of the pandemic are likely to be long lasting and thus physical and sexual abuse increases are likely to have long-term impacts on individuals and services. These increases in IPV across the world highlight the need for services offering support to consider their current delivery to ensure all victims are supported in both the short- and long-term. intimate_partner_violence
