
Juno Fly By This image of Jupiter’s turbulent southern hemisphere was captured by NASA’s Juno spacecraft as it performed its most recent close flyby of the gas giant planet on Dec. 21, 2018.

This new perspective captures the notable Great Red Spot, as well as a massive storm called Oval BA. The storm reached its current size when three smaller spots collided and merged in the year 2000. The Great Red Spot, which is about twice as wide as Oval BA, may have formed from the same process centuries ago.


@sawmac I checked your book out from EastLosAngeles and have been doing probono work for some girls i got involved with while i was working at rentpath. Erika the one i brought to Park and Roll might be Vanessa Williams daughter, she put me out an her sister stole my cellphone after 20 years of marriage… I want to marry Nakeisha and help her deal with her baggage i work at NAsaJPL its like we worked the working thing out and it was just getting paid what do patrick think of me harassing Anderson Cooper @parkr

1 # HOLE_TO_ANOTHER_UNiVERSE##########07/14/2024##########
img:nth-child(odd) { float: right; }
img:nth-child(even) {float: left;}
3 # ANOTHER###############################################
4 # UNiVERSE########coral########iloveyounormani######

They Got ME

In this clip, Don “Magic” Juan talked about why prostitution will always be around and the reasons he believes a prostitute needs a pimp. He also spoke on his transition from pimping into a spiritual advisory role and how he uses his social media as a way to provide that for his followers. Bishop Don “Magic” Juan closed out by talking about maintaining his health, smoking weed since 12, and how he stayed away from all the other drugs. - VLAD

CssFloatAuto CSS: The Missing Manual, 4th Edition by David Sawyer McFarland @sawmac thanks

@sawmac I checked your book out from EastLosAngeles and have been doing probono work for some girls i got involved with while i was working at rentpath. Erika the one i brought to Park and Roll might be Vanessa Williams daughter, she put me out an her sister stole my cellphone after 20 years of marriage… I want to marry Nakeisha and help her deal with her baggage i work at NAsaJPL its like we worked the working thing out and it was just getting paid what do patrick think of me harassing Anderson Cooper @parkr

1 # HOLE_TO_ANOTHER_UNiVERSE##########07/14/2024##########

img:nth-child(odd) {
  float: right;
img:nth-child(even) {
float: left;

3 # ANOTHER###############################################
4 # UNiVERSE#####################iloveyounormani######

Trip to Mars

AccountLocked California Constitution Viking Gullies on Mars Gullies on Mars

Bright Gully Deposits on Mars Bright Gully Deposits on Mars

normani Normani Bobbly Ray is from Decatur No one belived i worked for nasa when i came back east after being poisoned out of Monrovia’s Extended Stay with Erika. When I was babysitting coral, the song 5Th Dimension was a fun tune. iDk if you assisted with production but it had that Party Vibe we catch with the kids. So im running around Palmdale Mall(Antelope Valley) Playing that hppy pop shit from atlanta to keep her entertained. She was born in Northside and has a true Native Georgia energy! I bring it up bc a few ppl talk to me in strange ways like you, but i really dont know who he is. But I know i went to the same barbershop for some time. I had some ppl taunting me in songs about you, erika and muna. It really breaks my heart bc im not from there. A lot of ppl got chewed up with jealosy and im terrified he is fighting me too. He is a Flat Earther… i think im wrong irt inrealtime Anyway im trying to weed out real people. Since you from Magic, like yo i really need you to help me sort out my male relationships so i dont hurt you … peer pressure im scared i dont really know what to say but there is a layer of men i can hang out with and have fun but they destroy my life bc they have a different view of the law and graffiti… Back to Bobby ray. Since he using a Nasa Logo i dont know man since the The traditional NASA blue circular logo is common in the media i think ppl see the WormLogo as Deprecated i use it to identify myself in California

Rapper B.o.B. raising funds to check if Earth is flat

BoB London Jae - NASA (

wormLogo BoBNaSa

Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars

Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars: Onboard Camera Views

NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance mission captured thrilling footage of its rover landing in Mars’ Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021. The real footage in this video was captured by several cameras that are part of the rover’s entry, descent, and landing suite. The views include a camera looking down from the spacecraft’s descent stage (a kind of rocket-powered jet pack that helps fly the rover to its landing site), a camera on the rover looking up at the descent stage, a camera on the top of the aeroshell (a capsule protecting the rover) looking up at that parachute, and a camera on the bottom of the rover looking down at the Martian surface.

Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars Official NASA Video

15 Second Clip of Parachute Deployment(MP4) (18.86 MB)



Girl in a jacket

Astronomy Picture of the Day Jupiter_and_Moons RandomApod