Using Mermaid Dot Js

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Mermaid Sequence Diagram: Blogging app service communication

sequenceDiagram participant web as Web Browser participant blog as Blog Service participant account as Account Service participant mail as Mail Service participant db as Storage Note over web,db: The user must be logged in to submit blog posts web->>+account: Logs in using credentials account->>db: Query stored accounts db->>account: Respond with query result alt Credentials not found account->>web: Invalid credentials else Credentials found account->>-web: Successfully logged in Note over web,db: When the user is authenticated, they can now submit new posts web->>+blog: Submit new post blog->>db: Store post data par Notifications blog--)mail: Send mail to blog subscribers blog--)db: Store in-site notifications and Response blog-->>-web: Successfully posted end end

Water CoolEr

sequenceDiagram Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you? Bob-->>John: How about you John? Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks! Bob-x John: I am good thanks! Note right of John: Bob thinks a long
long time, so long
that the text does
not fit on a row. Bob-->Alice: Checking with John... Alice->John: Yes... John, how are you?

Server Procurement Takes Too Long: Causes and Effects

mindmap root (Material) not sure what hardware requirements to use as a baseline obsolete hardware specifications high demand for specific hardware components (Vendors) convoluted, slow billing process limited vendor options long lead times for hardware delivery inconsistent communication from vendors (People) too many approvals required unclear when costs for server are passed to client client is unwilling to procure server budget unavailable until milestone is met does not see the need for the server already has on premises servers client does not want to use public cloud infrastructure lack of dedicated procurement personnel miscommunication between teams (Systems) procurement is not automated outdated procurement software lack of integration between procurement and project management tools manual tracking of procurement status

Class Diagram

--- title: Django Watson Class Diagram --- classDiagram class SearchAdapter { fields exclude store __init__(model) prepare_content(content) get_title(obj) get_description(obj) get_content(obj) get_url(obj) get_meta(obj) serialize_meta(obj) deserialize_meta(obj) get_live_queryset() } class SearchContextManager { _stack __init__() is_active() start() add_to_context(engine, obj) invalidate() is_invalid() end() update_index() skip_index_update() } class SearchContext { __init__(context_manager) __enter__() __exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback) __call__(func) } class SkipSearchContext { __exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback) } class SearchEngine { list _created_engines$ dict _registered_models str _engine_slug SearchContextManager _search_context_manager get_created_engines()$ list __init__(engine_slug, search_context_manager) is_registered(model) bool register(model, adapter_cls, **field_overrides) unregister(model) get_registered_models() list get_adapter(model) SearchAdapter cleanup_model_index(model) update_obj_index(obj) _post_save_receiver(instance, **kwargs) _pre_delete_receiver(instance, **kwargs) _create_model_filter(models, backend) list _get_included_models(models) iter search(search_text, models, exclude, ranking, backend_name) Queryset filter(queryset, search_text, ranking, backend_name) Queryset } Exception <|-- SearchAdapterError Exception <|-- SearchEngineError Exception <|-- SearchContextError SearchEngineError <|-- RegistrationError SearchContextManager *-- SearchContext SearchContext <|-- SkipSearchContext

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