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The Science Mission Directorate Heliophysics Division studies the nature of the Sun, and how it influences the very nature of space

venus FlyBy


Parker Solar Probe Lines Up for Final Venus Flyby

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe executed a short maneuver on Aug. 26 that kept the spacecraft on course for the mission’s seventh and final planned Venus flyby on Nov. 6.

Operating on preprogrammed commands, Parker fired its small directional thrusters for about 17 seconds, changing its velocity by less than a mile per hour, and setting its trajectory some 386 miles (593 kilometers) closer to a targeted approach point about 240 miles (380 kilometers) above the Venusian surface. The mission operations team at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, where Parker was designed and built, monitored the activity through NASA’s Deep Space Network antenna station in Goldstone, California.

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5 Surprising NASA Heliophysics Discoveries Not Related to the Sun read

With NASA’s fleet of heliophysics spacecraft, scientists monitor our Sun and investigate its influences throughout the solar system. However, the fleet’s constant watch and often-unique perspectives sometimes create opportunities to make discoveries that no one expected, helping us to solve mysteries about the solar system and beyond. Thanks AstRo_pam - PameLa MelRoy Twitter Follow

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Criss-Crossing Lunar Transit

On Mar. 6, 2019, SDO observed a long lunar transit - with a twist. The shadow of the Moon in SDO’s images first touched the limb of the Sun at 2200 UTC (5pm EST) on Mar. 6, making its way across and finally left the solar disk at 0209 UTC on Mar. 7 (9:09 pm EST, Mar. 6). The moon’s apparent reversal is caused by SDO first overtaking the moon in its orbit, then the moon catching up as SDO swings around Earth’s dusk side ReadmorE

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