n ɔː r ˈ m ɑː n i / nor-MAH-nee
Classroom - SNL
https://t.co/UY1tw9PVav @OlaKaellenius #Application https://t.co/LFdMXloXs4 -#rashard @nasajpl @esa @nickyjenner1 iGot rumors iNeed cleaned up b4 my job @nasajpl gets interrupted I am n a relationship w/@normani that might bc closing out an this job maybe #PartTime! @VeronicaMcG
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) March 17, 2025
Black On Both Sides
by Mos Def
The Maxx [1996 VHS] The Maxx MTV Complete Season 1 (1996) The Maxx : Maxximized. Volume 6
SpelmanTwitter DistroWatch with Ruby
@blackgirlscode @normani i talked about u to Laurie @nasa-jpl TweetWithSpelman
RelatedTweet RelatedTweet Mecca gnu
playlist … baby someone cut my fingernail idk y
@the.lamp.channel Kash Doll talks about the time she was robbed for Jewellery & When her ATL house was burgled . #KashDoll #kashdollchallenge #kashdollfanpage #kashdollfans #kashdollnation #kashdollsssss #djenvy #djenvycarshow #djenvy🎧 #jesshilarious #jesshilarious_official #jesshillarious #tracyt #kashdollandtracy #thebreakfastclub #thebreakfastclubedit #thebreakfastclubedits #breakfastclub #breakfastclubinterview #breakfastclubedit #breakfastclubam #breakfastclubchallenge #fyp #fypage #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #fypp #fypdong #fypgakni #fypsounds #fyppp #fy #fypシ゚ #foryou #fypシ゚viral🖤tiktok☆♡🦋myvideo #fypシ゚vira #fypシ゚viraltiktok #fyr #fypシ゚v #fypシ゚vir #fypgakni #fypシ゚viralvideo #fypシ゚viral🖤video🤗foryou #fypシ゚viralberanda #fypシ゚vi #fypツ #fypツforyoupage #fypツviral #fypツ♡ #fypツviral_videotiktok #fypツシ #fypツ♡❦࿐ #fypツforyou #fypツシツ #fypツforyoupagツtiktok #foryoupage #foryoupages #foryourpage #foryourpages #foryoupageofficiall #foryourpagetiktok #foryourpagechallenge #foryourpageofficiall #foryourpage❤❤ ♬ original sound - The LAMP channel
hi @SartuAdem was #Protesting_Abi_Ahmed https://t.co/vSYJkRbGJQ an when @playboy @hustlermag @penthouse #KidnappedHer she became @kashdoll a #sexSlave im committed to them @latto we just need to discuss divorce, im amicable @GADFCS #reconcile_Coral! @Shocphoto is another #profile pic.twitter.com/FySCrY1NJl
— BubbleGumPop (@BubbleGumPop510) December 28, 2023
nights into dreams launch era ad
Sega MAster System Ads idk if its a good idea to smash them togetherTimeContext
Zelda wow
Documentary: Raised on Porn – the new sex education - watch - RiOTiMEs In today’s world, porn is ubiquitous. It’s everywhere, - https://sexandrelationshiphealing.com/
i got this off DefConRadio on SOMAfm now Run & Tell That
Maxxum/Dynax a 7 in practice
Rival Schools: United by Fate JUMPiNGFLASH Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
Minolta Maxxum 7/ Dynax 7 - manual PDF
Photo.NET WEddiNG PHotoG Gary Friedman, TecData Just got a Dynax/Maxxum 7, what do I check? - dyxum.com ewoodsphoto MaxxUm7 LEARNCAMERAREPAiR
Thoughts on the Minolta Maxxum 7? : r/AnalogCommunity 35mmc.com maxxum 7 review MAXXUM 7 - SteveHuff
casualphotophile maxxum 7 review earthsunfilm maxxum 7 review CAMERA REVIEW BLOG NO. 104 – MINOLTA MAXXUM 7 Roddy Ricch - The Box [Official Music Video] im so angry with u, bc i dont know your personal life, and every guy i see, im upset bc im scared they are your intimate partner, i really wanna like his song to this day!
Future - Mask Off
Minolta AF 50mm f/1.7
The Minolta AF 50mm f/1.7 is a discontinued lens with autofocus that was produced by Minolta for A-mount single lens reflex cameras from 1985[1] through 2006. It is still in use today by users of digital and film SLRs from Minolta (later Konica-Minolta) and Sony. The relatively large maximum aperture (f/1.7) allows the photographer to take shots indoors even when operating at ISO 100 - 200.wiki DYXUM
i was in east hollywood and passed by the swapmeet dr dre was not there, i wish u were on the sidewalk… bye… if u did not see my note its on kordie
thats on the page..bc i was sad we are not together. now i know i know issarae an idk what to do….. #crashes
Lessons Learned from the Mars Relay Network: Considerations for Future Relay Networks
HTML Learning Path - List and Nav Elements - GoRails TutoriaL
I played the mose amazing game this morning Secret Of Mana i am running a rom but its on RetroGames and several other OnlineConsole, its an rpg. Mana is a big world, and the fighting engine is fun. I am a Final Fantasy 7 fan and oG release buyer so the SquareFormat was really accecible. I hope you doing good, i made a video tweet, referencing you… i hope u dig this oj album, there so many clues to whats going on right now,u might hate his ass… @blackgirlscode, @normani i talk to everyone @nasa @nasa-jpl thats how i got into this mess, the witnesses were right u will meet people if u talk
https://t.co/6jMGSVbHTs @NASAMars @LACityCouncil @RepKarenBass @BOEAPS ,, @Normani #MissFrance2025 @GADFCS @FultonProbate @KeishaBottoms I asked for a girlfriend @streetz945atl I hope this is a joke and not my #RealityShow @Essence pic.twitter.com/ToFY3dtcX6
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) December 17, 2024
cellular magic mirror
snow White and the seven Dwarfs.mp4
Pinoccio The adventures of Pinocchio by Collodi, Carlo, 1826-1890 - BOOK
Season 1 - Hong Kong Phooey
@blackgirlscode to my attachments, this shit SupAfunniE AllFiles imdb Hong Kong Phooey is an American Saturday morning animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and originally broadcast on ABC - WiKi
` For godssake, im dealing with heartbreak`
-PushaT @blackgirlscode::#NORMANi what do that mean, re:eastatlantagraffiti+dance411?
Rashard’s Work…
Mars Samples: Proposed Containment and Transport
This illustration shows the proposed process for safely recovering, containing, and transporting Mars samples gathered by NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover after they are returned to Earth as part of the joint NASA/ESA (European Space Agency) Mars Sample Return Campaign.ReadMore
Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars
Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars: Onboard Camera Views
NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance mission captured thrilling footage of its rover landing in Mars’ Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021. The real footage in this video was captured by several cameras that are part of the rover’s entry, descent, and landing suite. The views include a camera looking down from the spacecraft’s descent stage (a kind of rocket-powered jet pack that helps fly the rover to its landing site), a camera on the rover looking up at the descent stage, a camera on the top of the aeroshell (a capsule protecting the rover) looking up at that parachute, and a camera on the bottom of the rover looking down at the Martian surface.
15 Second Clip of Parachute Deployment(MP4) (18.86 MB)
@normani @blackgirlscode
Learning Decatur
Ghetto Mafia is an American hip hop group from Decatur, Georgia, United States, composed of Nino and Wicked.[1] Formed in 1993, the Ghetto Mafia signed to local hip hop label, Ichiban Records, who then released their debut album, Draw the Line on April 26, 1994 Ghetto Mafia
Pentium II
Intel microprocessor
Containing 7.5 million transistors (27.4 million in the case of the mobile Dixon with 256 KB on-die L2 cache), the Pentium II featured an improved version of the first P6-generation core of the Pentium Pro, which contained 5.5 million transistors. However, its L2 cache subsystem was a downgrade when compared to the Pentium Pro’s. In 1998, Intel stratified the Pentium II family by releasing the Pentium II-based Celeron line of processors for low-end computers and the Intel Pentium II Xeon line for servers and workstations. - wikiwand Internet Arcade: Turbo Edition
@blackGirlsCode re:retrogaming
Nior, I put up a Pentium2 bc that is a good processor to learn linux on, im so upset about hardware hoarders that buy up everything on ebay! at $15 i never expect to need that much money to buy one, you have no idea how well Xmen Vs StreetFighter run on one running FinalBurnAlpha on Windows2000 on a Dell Optiplex G110 with an y2kera Sony Trinitron
What about hardware hoarding? - REDDiT r/DataHoarder I seem to have a computer part hoarding illness…anyone else suffer from this? - Anandtech - u/Meghan54
(World 910520) : Three Wonders by CapCom
Three Wonders[a] is a 1991 video game collection developed and published by Capcom, originally released for the arcades using the CPS-1 platform Wiki
: A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular - Hooverphonic :
the debut studio album by the Belgian band Hooverphonic. The album was released by Columbia Records on 29 July 1996,[9] initially credited to the band’s original name, Hoover. It is Hooverphonic’s only album with lead singer Liesje Sadonius.wiki YouTube - 1File DiscoGs
Pillars of Creation (Visualization Mosaic)
Lazy loading is a strategy to identify resources as non-blocking (non-critical) and load these only when needed. It’s a way to shorten the length of the critical rendering path, which translates into reduced page load times.MDn
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Rev 2 launch
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sonikku za Hejjihoggu Tsū?)
sonic the Hedgehog 2 (World) (Rev A)
Getting Sonic The Hedgehog 2 on Launch Day Nov 24th 1992 - My Retro Life Sonic 2sDay: A Retrospective on Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and its Worldwide Launch on November 24, 1992!

Stevie Wonder - Creepin’
– Fulfillingness’ First Finale - Stevie Wonder 1974 DiscoGs
Following the epic scope and social consciousness themes of Innervisions, Fulfillingness’ First Finale, in contrast, projected a more reflective, personal, and somber tone. The musical arrangements used in several songs, especially the bleak “They Won’t Go When I Go” and the understated “Creepin’”, were sparse compared to those of some of Wonder’s other 1970s tracks. Wonder had not completely foregone social commentary, as evidenced by the Billboard Hot 100 number-one single “You Haven’t Done Nothin’”, which launched a pointed criticism of the Nixon administration bolstered by clavinet, drum machine, and a cameo by the Jackson 5. WiKi BuY
I hope u were not doing anything raunchy today, its thanksgiving weekend and i was loving on u on twitter, its a reflex, i think i know u more. Chloe was o the bullhorn and i worked on a page for her. Its getting important as my mission duties clarify! Imma be ginvg tours man! Like Bethel, maybe jehovahs witnesses is a nasa lie to combat playboy kidnapping, voice scares me if i listen with my heart i think i might be moved too much. Thats why im head down following orders as i understand
requires of me. Dwayne Gooden might be on the mission, i have to nuetralize my stand point bc i was isolated. I dont like how he said people always dying around you, that make me thing he on the dark team… Back to chloe i made that page XHTML but had to scale back, im learning how your seo skills can be used in your company web infrastructure with semantic tags and developing flow NYPL_STYLEGUiDE_ARCHiVE will help u get an authentic retro flow for readers
NYPL_STYLEGUiDE_ARCHiVE Can we talk about web design? NYPLBase The Library’s rapid prototyping system and design pattern library

Bob Marley Legend full album Artifacts - Between A Rock And A Hard Place 1994 FULL ALBUM Dr Dre - The Roadium Mix Tape - Criminal

THiS_iS_NOT_HOW_HEALTHY_AFRiCA##OPERATES Sexuality: A Graphic Guide | Launch Event The Freeze Response and Sexual Assault: PTSD and Trauma Recovery 6 Hidden Signs of Complex PTSD cPTSD What It’s Like to Break Up with a Narcissist Intimacy After Trauma | Kat Smith | TEDxMountainViewCollege Relationships After Rape | Shelby St. Pierre | TEDxHamlineUniversity Men Need To Talk About Their Sexual Abuse | Seth Shelley | TEDxUNBC Men Can Be Sexually Assaulted, Too | CJ Krainock | TEDxRexburg data <~ thats work related >
: The Embed Text Track element
@normani see coralpage for my notes
The <track> HTML element is used as a child of the media elements, <audio> and <video>. Each track element lets you specify a timed text track (or time-based data) that can be displayed in parallel with the media element, for example to overlay subtitles or closed captions on top of a video or alongside audio tracks.
My Neighbor Totoro: The Fox Video Dub
Publisher Studio Ghibli
At long last. The return of the Fox Video dub which had been missing since 2013. It has been restored to this site.
- Hayao Miyazaki
n ɔː r ˈ m ɑː n i / nor-MAH-nee
The Chemical Brothers : No Geography @blackgirlscode im not being mean or silly acting like i have a job, half these niggas cant read at all!!!! and im scared with them an they BlackMirrors!
CURIOSITY RAW IMAGES : Sol 4374: Left Navigation Camera
This image was taken by Left Navigation Camera onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4374 (2024-11-25 07:54:39 UTC).
Permutation : Amon Toin 1997
great production, andy at rpm reccomended it @blackgirlscode
Important Files
@blackgirlscode Normani The California Constitution expresses that
“Every person may freely speak, write and publish…sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of this right. A law may not restrain or abridge liberty of speech or press.” Article I, Section 2(a)
CaliforniaConstitution Article 1 sec 2(a)
Although already generally protected via the 1st Amendment, the California Constitution goes on to further confirm freedom of speech for both individuals and the press. CalState University Chico
RashardLeanred - Updated and SpaceForce tweeted RashardMRO so …
### Mars MissionObjectives MArs Reconnocinse Orbiter
WipEout® OST [PSX]: CoLD SToRAGE - Messij California Constitution
1879 California Constitution Equal Rights Amendments: State Provisions 1849 California Constitution (spanish) PDS Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node - WebTool Computer Ethics 4th ed. Deborah G. Johnson NASAJPL Technology Highlights 2022 <~ @whitehouse @deptofdefense thats a report that i missed from @nasa
93ANiME:獣兵衛忍風帖 Ninja Scroll
Ninja Scroll (Japanese: 獣兵衛忍風帖, Hepburn: Jūbē Ninpūchō, lit. “Jubei’s Ninja Chronicles”) is a 1993 Japanese animated jidaigeki-chanbara film written and directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri, starring the voices of Kōichi Yamadera, Emi Shinohara, Takeshi Aono, Daisuke Gōri, Toshihiko Seki and Shūichirō Moriyama. The film was a co-production between JVC, Toho and Movic, with Madhouse serving as the animation studio. Ninja Scroll was theatrically released in Japan on June 5, 1993, and received an English-dubbed release through Manga Entertainment in 1995.[1]Wiki
dubbing - (also known as re-recording and mixing) is a post-production process used in filmmaking and video production where supplementary recordings (known as doubles) are lip-synced and “mixed” with original production audio to create the final product. Wiki
- Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen (NGM-063 ~ NGH-063) Samurai Shodown II
Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru jigokuhen (NGM-063)(NGH-063) Samurai Shodown! 2 - Pocket Fighting Series (World) (En,Ja)
87ANiME: 妖獣都市 Wicked City
Wicked City (Japanese: 妖獣都市, Hepburn: Yōjū Toshi, lit. ‘Supernatural Beast City’) is a 1987 Japanese adult animated dark fantasy[2] action horror film[3] produced by Video Art and Madhouse for Japan Home Video. Based on Black Guard, the first novel of the Wicked City series by Hideyuki Kikuchi, the film is the solo directorial debut of Yoshiaki Kawajiri, who also served as the character designer, storyboard artist, animation director, and a key animator. Wiki
Im really angry with you, because i have been looking at old pictures of u in google images. No pornogrpahy comes up on my end, Dogpile is more Racy. Its not your fault. I wrote @dkm14 the relationship is off @enews @playboy fuck you
ThisisTheTweet I was at Durant an someone stole my weed, ppl dont care if im military and medical im so sad, then i saw those pics of u an that mean ass white man an broke down. I missed my Voyager Team Meeting, some one hid the tweet, so i need to chill, if you dump me thats ok, im just lonely, but very satisfied with my job an ppl hurting me constantly!Im WorkiNg on our webpresence bc i learned 5th Harmony is a famous group. And i was seen with u, so imma hold u down till i get further instructions… i hope u like the games if u have internet and hardware to play @blackgirlscode im learning and i made a new page for u with a permalink normanikordei for your gossip
The Last Blade - Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2340)
The Last Blade[a] is a fighting game developed and released by SNK for the Neo Geo system in 1997. It was also ported to several home systems. A sequel, The Last Blade 2, was released in 1998. A second sequel, The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny, was released in 2000.
The game takes place during the Bakumatsu era in Japan, and incorporates various elements of Japanese mythology (with a heavy emphasis on the symbology of the Four Symbols). As such, the background music generally incorporates synthesized instruments simulating a sound appropriate to the 19th century setting, in a Western classical, pseudo-Romantic style. The Last Blade series is seen as a spiritual offshoot to SNK’s popular Samurai Shodown series, due to it being a similar 2D weapons-based fighting game video game database VGDB instructions Star Gladiator Episode I: Final Crusade (USA 960627) Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913) Dead Or Alive ++ (Japan)
The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2340)
The Last Blade (幕末ばくまつ浪漫ろまん, lit. “Curtain Closing Romance”)
By Felice Beato - From the English Wikipedia. Origin source unknown, Public Domain, Link
AT&T’s computer operating system is threatening to take over IBM’s MS-DOS dominance.
The art & science of CSS - BOOK LA County Library - iNTERNETARCHiVE BubbleGumFM https://bubblegumpop01.tumblr.com/ Demo @normani I used a theme I think Erika may have done on the low, the icons work and the Muna folder takes you to a page with a man marrying an Ethiopian woman…. I get it she faked her death to avoid me https://bubblegumpop01.tumblr.com/
Normani @blackgirlscode someone left a scary message
Earth Rotation from Galileo Imagery: 600 x Real-Time
Released Tuesday, September 1, 1998 This animation is one in a series created to show an accurate representation of the Earth’s rotation at different temporal resolutions. The animation is created from images taken by the Galileo spacecraft during a close pass of the Earth on December 11-12, 1990. The animations range from real-time, in which no rotation can be perceived . . . Visualizations by: Horace Mitchell ATLAS CARTOGRAPHY
A Latinx Resource Guide: Civil Rights Cases and Events in the United States
1968: East Los Angeles Walkouts
Discrepancies in the education of Anglo and Mexican-American students surfaced in Los Angeles during the 1950s and 1960s. Mexican-American students experienced a 60% dropout rate from high school, and those who did graduate averaged the reading level of an 8th grade Anglo student. In some schools, teachers prohibited students from speaking Spanish, and in others, school staff recommended Mexican-American students educational curriculum meant to help students with mental disabilities. These schools funneled many Mexican American students into vocational programs and discouraged from post-secondary studies. In response, students, teachers, parents, and activists began to organize.ContinueReading Related Tweet EastLosangeles Today
LAPD DETAinMENT on METROLA CoronaVirusPAtent European Publication Server
Coldcut - Essential Mix [2006-01-29] bbc radio 1
Marvel Super Heroes (Euro 951024)
Marvel Super Heroes 1960s Cartoon Series Preservation
#Normani and #ArianaGrande’s friendship gives us a dopamine boost. 😍 #WickedMovie
@enews #Normani and #ArianaGrande's friendship gives us a dopamine boost. 😍 #WickedMovie ♬ original sound - E! News
Enter The Dragon [ 1973] 816p
Mortal Kombat (1992 video game)
Mortal Kombat is a 1992 fighting game developed and published by Midway. It is the first entry in the Mortal Kombat series and was subsequently released by Acclaim Entertainment for nearly every home platform at that time. The game focuses on several characters of various intentions who enter a martial arts tournament with worldly consequences. It introduced many key aspects of the Mortal Kombat series, including the unique five-button control scheme and gory finishing moves called Fatalities. Wiki imdb Mortal Kombat (rev 5.0 T-Unit 03/19/93) retrogames.cc
Mortal Kombat (rev 5.0 T-Unit 03-19-93)
Erikas Breakup on the LosAngeles Freeway
BUBBLEGUMPOP633 thakaserika_selassie_kelly ThakaRasharD - FaVs Designing CSS Web pages
Dear NorMani @blackgirlscode
I have to make a tool to understand what we do on the moon. So i need u to know that so u can do whatever you do, im just participating till u tell me to stop. I have to work on the moon as well bc orbit paths to mars and jupiter are effected by our moon, as each day goes by Im learning each planet is a living being and While i want to silo/pigeon Hole, I cant. I really like that hiphop 45’s mix. IDK how much u dig 45s but i was into BrainFreeze when it came outSide-a .mp3 Side-b .mp3 WiKi NORMANi EXPLORES #ASMR Normani - Motivation (2019 MTV VMAs)
DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist : Brainfreeze 45MiX
Orion Snaps a Selfie During External Inspection
Orion snapped this high-resolution selfie in space with a camera mounted on its solar array wing during a routine external inspection of the spacecraft on the third day into the Artemis I mission.
Dear_BossLady : @blackgirlscode Normani
Im frustrated with the time i have to access a computer. I added a Computer ethics book to RashardMRO and RashardLearned its like i found something noteworthy. A crater on mars with a wild texture! And its so hard to get undistracted time to work on it if u look below there is some software you can put on your computer to see mars surface pics. i saw a landslide once and i think this is related Index of /PDS/EXTRAS/DTM/PSP/ORB_001900_001999/PSP_001981_1825_PSP_002258_1825/ SpiralCrater on MArs
HiView Image Viewer - Software
HiView is a data explorer and image viewing application supporting the JPEG2000 image format HiView is the best way to explore HiRISE images of the Martian surface at the full resolution of the imagery. Tracks of boulders that have fallen down crater walls, delicate rays of ejecta from fresh impact craters, and the unearthly formations created by carbon dioxide ice on the Martian south pole are just a few of the things that are waiting to be discovered by anyone using a tool like HiView with HiRISE imagery. Video Tutorial
However you doing, I was reviewing Male RnB, if u wanna call it that. Im healing from all the impersonations. They were in my head like 8th graders impersonating according to their response. Its so messy! I mean whatever it means to take your clothes off for people, its not fair I would not imagine anyone purposely brining this much creepy guilt on their nieghbors at the very least! Im still working my duties at NASAJPL and i Saw Erika but i think Lauren London and her swap roles sometimes, i dont know if its rabbithead or not. But its like when we were in Atlanta and ppl used to swap u and Muna-MOON BTW im getting hacked alot on @internetarchive! I still have all thjse old repos named BubblegumPop and i know people from your world are using my concept for some pornographic or popmusic means to an end! I feel so trapped bc i cannot untie my real life from my WebDevelopment Mariah Carey - Breakdown ft. Krayzie Bone, Wish Bone MariahCarey - The Roof Computer Systems: Moral Entities but not Moral Agents. Computer ethics - Johnson, Deborah G., 1945- Written in clear, accessible prose, this text brings together philosophy, law, and technology to provide a rigorous, in-depth analysis of the ethical implications of widespread use of computer technology. The author proposes that the ethical issues surrounding computers are new species of traditional and recurrent moral issues.
filter: MozillaDev
The filter CSS property applies graphical effects like blur or color shift to an element. Filters are commonly used to adjust the rendering of images, backgrounds, and borders.
Several functions, such as blur() and contrast(), are available to help you achieve predefined effects. ReadMore
Hell Q Crater
Recent impact craters are some of the most spectacular landforms on the Moon ! For example, Hell Q (3.4 kilometers in diameter, 33.0° S, 355.5° E) shows off pristine impact melt that lined the crater walls and pooled in the bottom, now solidified into rock.Ejecta was thrown out several crater radii, and dark impact-melt streamers that formed late in the impact process crossed over the early emplaced ejecta; NAC M1221369684LR [
Arizona State University].
this my favorite code editor normani Visual Studio Code, also commonly referred to as VS Code,[9] is an integrated development environment developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, macOS and web browsers.[10][11] Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded version control with Git. Users can change the theme, keyboard shortcuts, preferences, and install extensions that add functionality. Visual Studio Code is proprietary software released under the “Microsoft Software License”,[6] but based on the MIT licensed program named “Visual Studio Code — Open Source” (also known as “Code — OSS”), also created by Microsoft and available through GitHub.[12] WiKi Boogie Down Productions (BDP) - ‘By All Means Necessary’ (Full Album) [1988]
Landsat Plumbs the (Shallow) Depths KeyWesT_FL
Hi Noir, iloveu, im still working in outerspace but i want u to know im working with earth directed imaging tech as well. here is a blurb abt landsat - As the workhorses for Earth science from space, Landsat satellites have imaged Earth’s land surfaces uninterrupted for over 50 years. The missions continue to execute on the big idea of consistent, long-term observations. But limiting observations to land would have kept Landsat from its full potential. Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey have developed a new way to measure ocean depth, or bathymetry, in shallow nearshore environments using Landsat data. By applying a sophisticated physics-based algorithm to satellite observations, their method offers an expedient way to map the seafloor from space without relying on prior depth measurements. Deriving bathymetry from satellites—a process researchers have been refining for decades—can fill in many mapping gaps in coastal areas and provide up-to-date information critical for modeling water movement, tracking coastal changes, studying coral reef habitats, and more. earthObservatory
SEGA - Welcome to the Next Living Room
(U) [p1][!] :Comix Zone
# פלאשבק: זיכרון גורלי # フラッシュバック Its a pc game but 3 buttons makes this one more accesible @blackgirlscode its a good brain game! the 1992 game”Flashback: Quest for identity” was a cyberpunk gem - RedditPost /u/thibault_lh Flashback: The Quest for Identity – Guides and FAQs FandoM SNES instructions SegaCd Instructions
Gunstar Heroes (USA) Shinobi (set 1, System 16A, FD1094 317-0050) OutRun (USA, Europe) TheExchange After Burner (Sega 32X) choppy at Durant Library LAPL
Sonic 3 & Knuckles Mouse Enabled (SK Hack)
Console Living Room: Sega Genesis/32X
The Sega Genesis, known as Mega Drive (Japanese: メガドライブ Hepburn: Mega Doraibu?) in most regions outside North America, is a 16-bit video game console which was developed and sold by Sega Enterprises, Ltd. ReadMore - PLaymorE on internetArchivE
Sonic the Hedgehog Rev 1 Sonic the Hedgehog (ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ Sonikku za Hejjihoggu?) is a platform video game developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. First released in North America, Europe, and Australia on June 23, 1991, the game is the first installment in the Sonic the Hedgehog series
G-Loc Air Battle
G-LOC: Air Battle (G-LOC meaning “G-force induced Loss Of Consciousness”) is a 1990 air combat simulator arcade game developed by Sega AM2 for the Sega Y Board hardware. It is a spiritual sequel to After Burner II, featuring similar gameplay ideas and some recycled sound effects, though has always been publicly advertised as a different game entirely. The original arcade version runs on more advanced Sega Y Board hardware, and makes heavy use of sprite scaling & rotation and pre-rendered 3D graphics, anticipating the look of early texture-mapped 3D polygons.
G-LOC is notable for being one of the first video games to offer an R360 arcade cabinet which could rotate 360 degrees on all three axes, immersing the player in the action. These versions of the game are sometimes referred to as G-LOC R360, though the gameplay itself is identical. The game was followed by Strike Fighter in 1991 ReaDMore The Inverted Approach – Retro SEGA Game ‘G-LOC Air Battle’ Inspires My Latest Challenge in Microsoft Flight Simulator
sEGA Genesis – FJ846EUsAsEGA
Variation #1 – Sometimes referred to as the “Sonic” version. This version looks the same as the original but SEGA added the License Screen that would pop-up before each game, adding about 3-4 seconds to your initial wait time to get to the gaming. Also, from this revision on SEGA installed a “Lock-Out” chip for regional restrictions. The FCC-ID code for this unit is: FJ8USASEGA. SEGA Genesis – FJ846EUSASEGA specs and info SEGA Genesis Romset Ultra (U) [!]Playable Romset Looking for a good ROM collection. /r/SEGAGENESIS FGC #633 Sonic CD
Lib Retro run a GameRom Screenshare Unedited</p>
Lib Retro run a GameRom Screenshare Unedited
D̲J̲ S̲h̲a̲d̲o̲w̲ | E̲n̲d̲t̲r̲o̲d̲u̲c̲i̲n̲g̲.̲.̲.̲.̲.̲ ShopMerch
Hi Normani
I found out about another mission i am attatched to its Psyche idk the details but since there is a mars flyby i understand y they let me know about it. It launched in 2023 so its at a level with your life man… im just tired. but the sex is gross and the way the family members treat me. I still love u…
Nintendo’s flagship futuristic racing game (for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System) - retrogames.cc
Ella Fitzgerald And Louis Armstrong 🎵 Ella And Louis Full Album 🎶 Vintage Music Songs Mike Giant: 1996 interview: “If it doesn’t have letters, it’s not graffiti.” Summer In New York pt.5 - Bombing With Zexor. (Graffiti documentary).- TagsAndThrows Summer In New York pt.1 - Bombing With Ojae ft. Left. (Graffiti documentary). MisterTotem2 - Totem’s Voltron Letters! Graffiti Tags Tutorial - Everything You Need To Know Curve Handstyle History Mike Giant-Handstyle History Lesson The Free Agents (FA) Crew was Established in 1985 Remember Dekay in Savannah?
(งツ)ว Normani (° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Is That All There Is? - Peggy Lee
⊂(◉‿◉)つ Normani
im still your friend, i think u will like this Hexstatic - Solid Steel Presents Hexstatic: Listen & Learn (full mix-CD) i wrote u a not on my page
learning Linux
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Just some thigs from my job to help you and everyone else connected understand im studying our solar system, but the truth is SpaceCraft like Voyager, they are outside an using the space telescopes we have discovered 5500+ planets, we call them exoplanets from our perspective
PIA21958: Major Solar Flare
Credits NASA/GSFC/Solar Dynamics Observatory
PIA21837: NASA’s Hubble Sees Martian Moon Orbiting the Red Planet
Normani i will update u soon but i wanted you to have some
things b4 ppl get all inspired an you miss the developing…
An Ocean in Bloom 8/16/2024
cellular magic mirror
Lights On i really like this song // ithappens
RusH WorkingMan 1972 Jimi Hendrix Manic Depression - The ExperianceHouses Of The Holy - Led Zeppelin HD
[𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭] oldies but goldies famous old french songs Edith Piaf - La foule
Normani if you are claiming me
You have to talk about how im being burned and my hair has lice mounds, that sting when ppl spray they are dormant otherwise as i pick them off and scrape out the dust they scramble together some pairing for sex other wrestleing out of bordom HairCare they look like headlice, its the living in my head thing, and there is this goo that forms on the base of my folicles that they make the mounds out of .. its LittleBigPlanetOnMyHEad!
Puzzle Bobble 4 (Ver 2.04O 1997/12/19)
How Long (Betcha’ Got A Chick On The Side) - The Pointer Sisters Yes We Can Can · The Pointer Sisters Smokey Robinson - Just My Soul Responding The Untold Truth Of The Pointer Sisters The Pointer Sisters - TV Special - UP ALL NIGHT - 1987 The Pointer Sisters - Live in Paris (1985) In My House · Mary Jane Girls Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson - Scream (Official Video)
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1996 Stakes Is High - De La Soul
Stakes Is High is the fourth studio album by American hip hop group De La Soul. It was released on July 2, 1996, through Tommy Boy Records. The album marked a change in the group’s sound and direction, as it was their first release not produced in collaboration with Prince Paul. Stakes Is High was mainly produced by the group themselves, with additional tracks provided by Jay Dee, DJ Ogee, Spearhead X and Skeff Anslem. It is considered the group’s darkest and most serious album. It received mostly strong reviews but little commercial success.Wiki
De La Soul is Dead got 5 mics… i wonder where ppl were with they family situation. BC Stakes is high is so refined an smooth listen… How did it miss five mics ? 5 Mic Albums
- ADMin
The Awakening · Ahmad Jamal Trio - 1970
Marvel Super Heroes
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Decatur SongS
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puts "hello"
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Huang He Delta, China
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2024 Eclipse as Seen From The Moon Space Shuttle Audio Collection
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ♫♪.ılılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılılı.♫♪
Normani, Hi I am getting my thoughts together after a lot of Architechture and infrastructure Research. If you Remember Jeff at RentPath he talked about the problem too. We Need Water for launches and private corps moved the water supply and thats why la is a Desert. So im still having issues at LA PUblic with not being able to listen to music. It a really difficult thing to deal with bc i still prime my day with whatever im in the mood. Its like when Coral was around… I remember i told her abt you traveling and that i really dont know, who u are, and if u will be good to us. This playlist will rumble the freeway… PPL outside NY really dont know how to listen to the music, Philly do that shit right, and i dont know chicago Erika would freak out about me listening to Jay Z. I think his imposter raped her.. I cant put the story together at all and i dont want it to bite us in the ass at a piknik.. I have to say that the Los Angeles tourist are enjoying playing music outloud. Thats Old Los Angeles Culture we grew up on in savannah and they be sending messages after they see yall dancing in the club Jay-Z - Things That U Do (Feat. Mariah Carey) JAY-Z - Anything JAY-Z - On To The Next One ft. Swizz Beatz Jay-Z - Intro / A Million & One Questions Coming Of Age - JayZ MemphisBleek Brooklyn’s Finest - JayZ Jay - Z Girls, Girls, GirlsJay-Z - Smile (Feat. Gloria Carter) Renegade - JayZ Heart Of The City (Ain’t No Love) Jay-Z JayZ - Song Cry Heart Of The City (Ain’t No Love) (Live On MTV Unplugged / 2001) Song Cry (Live On MTV Unplugged / 2001) Ruff Ryders(feat. Jay-Z) - Jigga my nigga Roll Out - Ludacris Kash Doll - “Hustla” KAshdoll -Rich Hoochie Kash Doll - For Everybody GloRilla - Yeah Glo! GloRilla - TGIF Moneybagg Yo feat. GloRilla - On Wat U On Moneybagg Yo - Wockesha (Official Music Video) Three 6 Mafia - Poppin’ My Collar Three 6 Mafia - That’s Right (Feat. Akon) Rich Homie Quan - Type of Way
Dominion Tank Police (Acts I and II) [English Dubbed] (1997 Manga Entertainment Home Video Master) [Betacam SP Transfer.mp4
Normani Wants You To Expect the Unexpected Normani Prefers This $100 vs. $700 Purse Fifth Harmony Made Their First Red Carpet Appearance as a Foursome and Looked Fierce AF
DEar Normani
I understand who you are, and where it all started. But i need you to know im notyour friend. But i really like your songs. Your old connections to Playboy, StreetPorn, Theater and god knows what else always mute my sound! I cant listn to none of yal music without being bullied. Chloe is the worse. Cardi left a message that applied to me in Ring. I really dont know what she had with Offset but when she did Coral hair she laid down some rules in her apartment by KroBar and i violated. Like she want missed messages. I have no woman by my side and you guys are all friends and are arranging whatever bc i was promised a girlfriend if i followed all the rules all i got was skeezed by nickiminaj But the missed messages lyic ripped my heart open in Ring bc i got kind cold working with Dwayne… im sorry cardi But after Listening outloud Ascending the staris of MetroLosAngeles CivicCenter Station, I was robbed the same night by a armed gunman at city hall DTLA
a few songs
Deborah Laws - Very Special Miki Howard - Love Under New Management Fearless Four - Rockin´ it TheRoots feat. MosDef - Double Trouble Krs_oNE - A Friend 2nd Childhood - NAS Nas - Take it In Blood The Roots - Pointro Star The Roots - CLones Bahamadia feat Da Roots Da_JAWN BahamaDia - Rugged Ruff Glorilla plz explore the song structure phillyhiphop
Normani - All Yours (Audio) Normani i dont know where i am in girlfriend lessons. But this song hipped me to a lot… treatment
Normani and why her career failed- gossip blog
Captain America: Chapter 2 - Mechanical Executioner
Batman is a 1943 American 15-chapter theatrical serial from Columbia Pictures, produced by Rudolph C. Flothow, The serial’s story line involves the Batman, a secret U.S. government agent, attempting to defeat the schemes of Japanese agent Dr. Daka operating in Los Angeles at the height of World War II.[3] Serving Daka are his American henchmen.
Batman is notable for being the first appearance on film of Batman and for debuting story elements that quickly became permanent parts of the Batman character’s mythos, such as the “Bat’s Cave” and its secret entrance through a grandfather clock inside Wayne Manor. The serial also changed the course of how Alfred’s physical appearance was depicted in future Batman stories. At the time Batman was released in theaters, Alfred was drawn as a portly gentleman in the comics. Subsequent issues suddenly depicted Alfred as slim and sporting a thin moustache, following actor William Austin’s appearance. Wikipedia Batman 1943 all episodes
uptown butterfly _movie Tina, @kashdoll so pretty - song
Heltah Skeltah & OGC - Leflaur Leflah Eshkoshka
Attack of the Killer Kung-Fu Wolf Bitch
Robert’s online dating adventures lead him to a beautiful woman named Luna, whom he invites for the weekend. Unfortunately, Huey, Riley and Robert soon learn that Luna…FromFandom imdb Normani playlist gift its another cycle bae…
Adam and Eve · Nas · The-Dream Sade - Turn My Back On You
The endless possibilities and services LA libraries offer With National Library Week in full swing, a Los Angeles librarian tells us about all of the amazing services they offer to enrich the lives of students, children, and adults. Apr 11, 2024
Los angeles is a Euridite civiliZation so i may need to pay more attention to signage
characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly: an erudite professor; an erudite commentary. Synonyms: sapient, wise, knowledgeable, educated.
Listen to NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter in Flight
Mars Sounds
Was Normani Megan Thee Stallion at some point ?
Peek-a-Bloom in the North Atlantic
Game Type-Tragedy Khadafi Tragedy Khadafi - Da Funk Mode [Extra P Remix] (feat. Havoc) Outkast - Ms. Jackson
André 3000 - Listening To The Sun
André 3000 - Listening To The Sun (an intimate album film for New Blue Sun 11/17/2023)
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors, known in Japan as Vampire: The Night Warriors (ヴァンパイア ザ ナイト ウォーリアー, Vanpaia Za Naito Wōriā), is a 1994 fighting game developed and released by Capcom originally for the CPS II arcade hardware as the first game in the first title in the Darkstalkers series
The Wizard
N00012813.jpg was taken on 2004-02-19 18:59 (PST) and received on Earth 2004-02-21 17:06 (PST). The camera was pointing toward Saturn, and the image was taken using the CL1 and MT2 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated. A validated/calibrated image will be archived with the NASA Planetary Data System
Cassini Raw Images :: This gallery contains the full record of the Cassini spacecraft’s raw images taken from Feb. 20, 2004 to Cassini’s end of mission on Sept. 15, 2017. The archive will remain available to all as a historical record. Computer Hacking Documentries Mega Collection
Pryors Place Richard Pryor Live on the Sunset Stip (audio) FiLES Richard Pryor Makes Emotional Return After Setting Himself on Fire | Carson Tonight Show Richard Pryor on DVD
Spoonie GeeLove Rap Treacherous Three - Feel the heartbeat - 1981 The New Rap Language The Body Rock Rappin and Rocking the House (Version B) Superrappin’ Time Machine-The Way Things Are Yma Sumac – Mambo! (1955) - Latin Folk Jazz Exotica Esquivel and his orchestra - Other worlds, other sounds LP: RCA Victor Yma Sumac sings Taita Inty “Hymn of the Sun Virgin” 1950. The Colgate Comedy Hour.
This is my injury report Richard Kelly NASA JPL Mars
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Screen Recording 2024 07 29 4.53.08 PM
Normani - All Yours Marco Polo feat. Masta Ace - Nostalgia The Visionaries - Blessings Capone-N-Noreaga - Thug Paradise O.C. Times Up Bahamadia- Spontaneity Acid Raindrops - People Under The Stairs (っ◕‿◕)っ Normani - Lights On Monica - So Gone Mary J Blige - All My Love Mary J BLige - You Gotta Believe Aaliyah - Never Givin’ Up (っ◕‿◕)っMuni Long - Time MAchine Time Machine - Mind in a Spin Beef - Boogie Down Productions
¯_(ツ)/¯ ¯_(ツ)/¯ ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Keke Wyatt’s World Season 1 Episode 1 GloRilla Responds Too Being COMPROMISED By Her Label With A SHOCKING Response! ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Marlon Wayans’ Hollywood Stories & Mo’Nique Saying The Wayans Bros Stole Her Joke In White Chicks Chloe Bailey Talks New Music, Rumored Relationships, Being An Auntie, Pursuit Of Perfection LL COOL J Talks New Album, Ownership Vs Artistry, New School Hip Hop Muni Long: New Album Revenge, Writing “Hrs & Hrs”, & Upcoming Tour Apple Music Muni Long Explains Revenge Album Title, Florida Activities & She Sings in Spanish Muni Long On Writing Hits, Streaming Vs Radio, Autism, Mental Health Muni long Freestyles Over 50 Cent’s “21 Questions” SWAY’S UNIVERSE Muni Long Talks Writing for Your Favorite Artists, Overcoming Lupus & Freestyle over “21 Questions” Cardi B Tells Truth About GloRilla, Lying about Shakira + New Album after 6 year break Cardi B Addresses Her Beefs In The Music, Craziest Paparazzi Experience Megan Thee Stallion and GloRilla Close Friends Only with Instagram Glorilla talks MixTape, Megan Thee Stallion, Dating & Social Media, The Twerking Challenge Ice Spice Has Baby Fever? + She Talks New Album, Gunna, The Bronx Latto Speaks on Jason Lee Revealing Her Messy Affair With 21 Savage Latto Is The Queen Of Humbling Dudes ‿( ́ ̵ _-`)‿ The Joe Budden Podcast Latto Says Her Man Pays All The Bills + Crazy ATL Strip Club Story Anycia Reveals Collab With GloRillaTalks How ATL Rap Scene Really Is More Acton Entertainment Monaleo Answers 20 Questions for 2023 MTV’s Women In Rap Week MONALEO LIVE @ Rolling Loud Miami 2022 Kaliii LIVE @ Rolling Loud New York 2021 Open Thoughts with Nicki Minaj
Time Machine-The Way Things Are - Los Angeles Romance Scams De La Soul - Area
RetroArch Tutoria i was outside CityHall Los Angles And wanted to play Ridge Racer at the last minute i forgot what i was doing but you can see that with Termux its a regular PowerUser computer. “he Power Users group is able to install software, manage power and time-zone settings, and install ActiveX controls, actions that limited Users are denied.” - TechCommunityAPIAdminTechCommunityAPIAdmin Windows Blog Archive The Case of the Father-in-Law’s Scareware
Time Machine-The Way Things Are - Los Angeles Romance Scams Must Be dues - Melba Moore - song Coi Leray - Bops Latto - Sunday Service (feat. Megan Thee Stallion & Flo Milli) [Remix] Latto - Big Mama Krush GrooVe Sexyy Red ft. Chief Keef - Bow Bow Bow (F My Baby Dad) (Official Video) B.G.S. official video 18 African Countries Where BEAUTIFUL Women DESPERATELY Seek Men Welcome 2 WEST END Atlanta - Hood Vlogs Jim Larer - T.I. - Atlanta Tour My Block Atlanta - T.I. / 12.05.2005 T.I. & Lil’ 3rd - Str8 Hood DVD Vol. 1 (2004)
Sheriff Statement Sheriff Statement failover
Normani Discusses Her Traumatizing Time in Fifth Harmony with Shannay Porter
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Learning Android Forensics By Rohit Tamma, Donnie Tindall
The Gods Of Eden: The Chilling Truth About Extraterrestrial Infiltration And Conspiracy To Keep Humankind In Chains by WILLIAM BRAMLEY
The Martian tales trilogy by Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950
There Is Only Now : by Adrian Younge & souls Of Mischief
The Lost Tapes II by Nas
The Empire strikes Back
V-103 NUMARX MIXES-DJ SPEN AND THE NUMARX CREW - BroadCastTime Machine - Mind in a Spin Walters The World Famous Shoe & Clothing Store In Atlanta 4 Normani Sexyy Red EXPOSES What Actually Went Down In Doja Cat CONFRONTATION wireless festival?? D.A. Fani Willis on Donald Trump’s Georgia Case And The YSL Rico Trial
Señor Kaos - “Automatic Classic” OFFICIAL VIDEO Time Machine - Mind in a Spin Walters The World Famous Shoe & Clothing Store In Atlanta 4 Normani Sexyy Red EXPOSES What Actually Went Down In Doja Cat CONFRONTATION wireless festival?? Compiling:TheBlog~NewPost[thakarashard.github.io dump 731] Must Be dues - Melba Moore - song
JAY-Z - The Story of O.J. Jay Z Goes on Twitter Spree Thanking Influences After Songwriters Hall of Fame Induction Sevyn Streeter On 76ers Stopping Her From Wearing “We Matter” Shirt The Breakfast Club Classic - Jay Z Interview 2013 Sevyn Streeter Perfoms in We Matter Jersey Media Upload ThakaSartu Thakasartu bulliten board of sorts on github [css archive] Kevin Hart Exposes Disturbing Party Footage Of Diddy.. (Exclusive) Jay-Z - Things That U Do (Feat. Mariah Carey) Tru Playaz #ivf Likes on ThakaSartu ThakaRashard on Twitter Thakarashard.github.io/computer_dmz HOLE_TO_ANOTHER_UNiVERSE watch Smokey and The Bandit @RicoThaka Follows US GovernMent Often on Twitter RicoThaka uploaded twitter Media LocalLosAngeles Computing Notes NewBits+Notes FamilyNotesTake It In Blood - SonG Occupational Safety and Health Administration 200 Constitution Ave NW Washington, DC 20210 OSHA Worker Rights and Protections Psychological impact of false accusations of sexual abuse Queens 5 (2024 Hottest Female Rappers - Cypher Like Mix) Magic Mountain - EriC Burton and WAR [delasoulpotholes] Moneybagg Yo & Glorilla - Hate Me ft. Sexyy Red & 42 Dugg (Music Video) 2024
Magic Citys Mr Magic Reveals How He Created ATLs #1 Strip Club Sip N Smoke With Cam Newton
Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA