rocknest_curiosity landscape WipEout® OST [PSX]: CoLD SToRAGE - Messij California Constitution 1879 California Constitution Equal Rights Amendments: State Provisions Mermaid.js 1849 California Constitution (spanish)

Planetary Data Sciences Update : : : M_R_O

September 23, 2024. New data have been added to the RELAB spectral library bundle. See relab_data_release_notes.txt for details.

The PDS Geosciences Node Spectral Library is a database of laboratory spectra submitted by various data providers. It includes spectra from the Reflectance Experiment Laboratory (RELAB) at Brown University as well as XAS and reflectance spectra from the PDS4 bundles below… ~>

M_R_O pds update


Old MArs Blogs

RicoThaka/MarsBlog the background uses a technique i learned from Eric Meyer Design Complex Spiral RicoThaka/MarsBlog1 its a diff look


Hi MRO, want you to have an update on what my computing situation has been since Jose took my laptop back. Im in the library system but they wont let me have free access to a computer. Its connected to my spouse’s prostitution and porno. In Santa Monica Porn is filmed at the library at times. The security gaurds told me I need an ID to come in! This is the Santa Monica Public Library! and the resulting gossip among security gaurds about me having #Normani_aka_SartuAdem nudes on my cellphone! It was a gift! Im grown and i did not do it on library wifi! There is a law on it i found online. Its filtered now, but i want to know where i stand bc I was attending a dance studio with girls my age and i have been in datacenters most of my life, porn is the channel most ppl in my demographic communicate via to talk to people in the physical world. It causes a lot of hormonal problems and i am a really healthy male. Coral is strong even after the NiCU. Anyway the computers i had accquired got stolen in various ways so there is a big chunck of time i am not building on a Desktop. I promised I would grow as a Sun Admin and while i was without a computer i got turned on to TErmux and leared a lot of cool configurations to do common programming tasks and it even effected my webdesign, i started building on github and what is now my homepage was a fullpage scrolling design like i was seeing life differently. Check out the screenshots below the Termux demo and see my #PocketPC thats what i call Android now…


Its just a Personal Computer

There is such an abstraction when running the manufacure bundeld android. But its normal PC architechture in a small ass package! The Following video is a screenshare of me using Android for abt a half hour on a severley disabled cellphone. No root just termux + fdroid


## What is F-Droid? >`A Software Repo!` <~ `ME` ~> `Them` F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device. ![Nintendo64]( # gaming The concept of what a Handheld is is greatly challenged with the virtualization options on the platform! The games played really well under [Lemuroid]( and [RetroArch]( there are a lot of what they refer to as CORES which is simply a [vmdk]( in corporate talk a container and it will run [8-bit programs](! The potential is limitless for us not being tied to an office. The Municipal Law Enforcement Guys appear advanced at this outside of Fare Enforcement! ![VMDk]( ![vmdk]( ![RetroArch](


GrandCentral PeachtreeCenter MK2 Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1) homepage

TREEKEL · Ridge Racer (PSX) - Rare Hero (HQ)

Marvel Super Heroes (Euro 951024) _ Capcom Play At The internet Arcade <(‘’<) <( ‘ ‘ )> (> ‘’)>

sequenceDiagram Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you? Bob-->>John: How about you John? Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks! Bob-x John: I am good thanks! Note right of John: Bob thinks a long
long time, so long
that the text does
not fit on a row. Bob-->Alice: Checking with John... Alice->John: Yes... John, how are you?

Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Bob-->>John: How about you John?
Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks!
Bob-x John: I am good thanks!
Note right of John: Bob thinks a long<br/>long time, so long<br/>that the text does<br/>not fit on a row.

Bob-->Alice: Checking with John...
Alice->John: Yes... John, how are you?

And this will produce a flow chart:

graph LR
A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
A --> C(Round Rect)
B --> D{Rhombus}
C --> D

Sun, 29 Sep 2024 23:47:46 +0000 29th September 2024




video link

video link

Atlanta M_R_O

<(‘’<) <( ‘ ‘ )> (> ‘’)>




SZA - Sos Full Album</a></div>

I listened to Ctrl and understand a lot more about black adolescent emotions, i saw u in Hollywood, after looking past the grey i realize im not that old! I dont know what i told you in Atlanta, but im not a person to leave loose strings, i may not even be important enough to you to be mentioned. Either way, i asked you for girlfriend advice and your album delivered again, thanks. im more at peace being single(ish) I dont want to talk about Normani bc im still scared thats you, i had a bedroom bandit that was going to the studio, she bonded like a step mother and coral would continue sleeping whenever she came over, or she put yquil in her lunch at Parkside. I was not given foodstamps back then so me an coral got skinny, so i may have all these relationships in my head with the pretty girls from up the street. At the very least im your fan…

Gullies on Mars

Gullies on Mars Gullies on Mars

Bright Gully Deposits on Mars

Bright Gully Deposits on Mars Bright Gully Deposits on Mars

California Constitution

Ella Mai::Not Another Love Song

Ella Mai · Didn't Say (feat. Latto)

Sabotage Recovery

 #bae...i sent an email 
@msdevUK we got issues n america i have to verify the account the message is not n drafts or sent @LACountyLibrary i lost work for @NASAJPL @USDOL #LateForWork @GADFCS@ LACo_DPSS @AtlantaFirstUMC to get the story start here

Contacting The Mayor


Zero Divide (ゼロ・ディバイド)[4] is a 3D fighting video game developed by Zoom that was released for the PlayStation in 1995


Dear Rep/Mayor Karen,

I signed up for a class that NASAJPL is offering at CourtYard by Marriot Pasadena. As you can see in the LAPD DETAinMENT on METROLA PDF, I was accused of Tresspassing. I i dont know what i need to do to use the transit system safely. LAPD is pushing FareEnforcement but are not making exceptions. If you look at the graphic below in my GMAiL_EMAiL_iNBOX you will see that Los Angeles Police never emailed me back after i was victim of that Armed Gunman at CityHAll with the Playboy Backpack on, so this Tap card thing. I see people at Saint Francis with MailBoxes and There is this place in Santa Monica that offer mailboxes, but im in a different situation since i was Abandoned. I took a shower at Reality_LA, AND I KNOW The Medicated Shampoo and Terry Cloth towel Pulled out at least 200 bugs! The Larve breask my hair down and it just cracks off while Dry Scapl tortures me with itching and burning. Please send a team from NasaJPL to talk to them about what Entomological warfare looks like in Los Angeles .

So I want to make sure i can make the ECOSTRESS Science and Application Team Meeting - Fall 2024 meeting and start making more progress on getting my badge back. Whereever my daughter is, Erika, and the dancing girls… Id dont matter! I have to be badged. A California driver’s license used to be easy to renew. People will not call nasajpl and they look criminal all through los angeles. One of those briefcase Cellphone providers i tried made me scared bc the calls to the front desk are routed to a Hollywood Action Movie actor who was lying to me about important processes there. HollywoodFoodCo have raffles fo id_vouchers. They have no idea how silly they look every single time i get that mediocre ass food! dead bird etc no rice… Click here to see NASAJPL coverage of the LosangelesHeat wave and its a conversation that connects to P{Hytoplankton}, Chemical Lacerations, and unwanted amputations implemented on “The Homeless


#HTML5 Attribute selectors The CSS attribute selector matches elements based on the element having a given attribute explicitly set, with options for defining an attribute value or substring value match.full article on mozilla_developer

img[alt="whiteslavery"] { max-width: 20%;}
img[alt="whiteslavery40"] { max-width: 40%; transform: rotate(45deg);}


whiteslavery whiteslavery40

HTML5 whiteslavery img[alt=”whiteslavery”] { max-width: 20%;} whiteslavery40 img[alt=”whiteslavery40”] { max-width: 40%; transform: rotate(45deg);}

Girl in a jacket

Among the Peaks of Hale Crater Among the Peaks of Hale Crater This observation was requested as part of a new monitoring sequence, to try to get activity after a dust storm to compare with a previous sequence. Are the recurring slope lineae longer or more dense? Hale was created by an impactor roughly 35 kilometers (22 mi) across that impacted at an oblique angle about 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago.

normani just letting ppl know u involved at a level Normani cc


Twin of NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover Begins Terrain Tests


Jamie, I am getting confused. The person that put me down is a firefighter too and put me down there. Is there like some sort of equipment Flow Control? Bc Optimism… I cant remember but I know He is going to talk to me soon, and I need to be ready Ms Bass! Updated with new features, including additional mobility software and the bulk of the sample caching system, the twin of NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover arrives at JPL’s Mars Yard garage on Oct. 29, 2021. Called OPTIMISM, the vehicle is used for testing commands before they are sent to Mars.

Code Refactoring

Good Afternoon MRO. Dear Chris, i know you were a Mori Person as well but older and i was brought on like TekSystems so i was mision right away. I remember ppl were talking about using Salt for configuration Management and there is the inhouse system. I mean it all seems attached to the Netapp and that Refurb that happened in the Mission Control Datacenter. I was Told there was cracks in the floor and i thought you all were Mean military people. I was in my head lashing out at my marriage and religious way of life collapsing and worried aobut being chased off. Thanks. BTW i did not recall the rover is Nuclear Powered!

I really enjoyed this section from Steve Lindstorm

CSS Refactoring

CSS Refactoring

CSS Refactoring

CSS Refactoring

Now i dont know what standards exist if any but this is the type of information i shared with the girls my age from Dance411. The problem is they was teaching a lot of criiminal men and they infiltrated corporate and really hurt atlanta. I was talking to her independantyly and teaching her middleware bc thats where she was getting knixed online. The thing is with the Striptease they have to balance functioning in the daytime affter a nighttime kidnapping and rape. Im not saying every guy that has been in her company is bad. But she has been asking me for a child for about 5 years now. Im afraid and bleeding. normani

Cydonia to Watts?

Dear Nicky,

I skipped ahead… I was sitting in Saint_Francis and i felt insecure, u know people are funny about Mars Research, The Metaphysics have abused ppl sexualy for years. I love how the images remove the fear that i am being strange. So The Draw Of Cydonia you describe the Design of the Tesla Coil , well not the design, but you mention Wardenclyff Tower which look like Dalek kinda… i might be looking up the wrong thing but the structure is reminicent of the Watts Towers in Los Angeles County 33°56′19.46″N 118°14′27.77″W While iot may be my DNS everything i find about them is that its an Art installations… "Wireless Radio Station" thats what got my attention! I have been getting online relationships organized and Normani is learning about the Facility. I have to get her clean from all that fraud working at MagicCity that place is such a burden. Anyway since u mention Wardenclyff Tower I want to talk to someone at work but they dont know alot but everything. I hate that they use vendor supplies, we should be all solaris if we wanna mason that shit, freebsd if we wanna tribal that shit

this is an old post

I was at Griffith and took some video Flikr Tourist style with my peice of shit ObamaPhone but the shits work, maybe watts towers was delivering wireless energy! Ile Los Angeles Electric Avenue has deeper meaning than we think. I know u get hit with Electronic Weapons but check it out the old Batman, its on the homepage but u can have all the files and its based in losangeles and the criminals fight with tasers this is the 1940s, what did Retail disrupt ?

Tesla Coils at Griffith Observatory video

Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit designed by inventor Nikola Tesla in 1891.[1] It is used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high-frequency alternating-current electricity.[2][3] Tesla experimented with a number of different configurations consisting of two, or sometimes three, coupled resonant electric circuits.

HiView Image Viewer - Software


HiView is a data explorer and image viewing application supporting the JPEG2000 image format HiVeiw HiView is the best way to explore HiRISE images of the Martian surface at the full resolution of the imagery. Tracks of boulders that have fallen down crater walls, delicate rays of ejecta from fresh impact craters, and the unearthly formations created by carbon dioxide ice on the Martian south pole are just a few of the things that are waiting to be discovered by anyone using a tool like HiView with HiRISE imagery. Video Tutorial hiview HiView

Kash Doll · Back on Dexter: A Gangsta Grillz Mixtape
waystoloveu · SZA - Sos Full Album


Embedding the PDF file Using Object Tag

Main heading





Future i got in trouble with them male dancers an im really distracted about the scope… can i use this instumental someday for a #NasaMars presentation im working on? ? ?

alilmilk · Future - Red Carpet (feat. Young Thug) [Prod. By Wheezy]

Hi hun, i dont want u to feel like rentpath wherever we make it to the lab. Help me accept you for all you are - #Shaadi

Kash Doll · No Lames (feat. Summer Walker)
<a href="">The Global CTX Mosaic
  of Mars</a>
  <a href="">USGS-NASA Planetary Geologic Mapping Program ::Interactive Maps: Mars</a>

Those girls i met in atlanta are in trouble. Im bleeding from prostitution punishments. Its crime so even if i know like nothing Changes, I work for nasajpl. There is a criminal cult from the east that makes them twerk and have sex on this thing called the HoStroll thats a lot of my problems, i made a commitment to talk to her online, she got kidnapped. But she will be on big tv shows in hollywood like Saturday night live. The one i eye to eye started a relationship with in Atlanta at Muna Ahmed funeral was going by Sartu and i KNow her from my childhood but she got a lot of identities and some criminal twitter accounts Ego Nwodim thats a name i need to explore. You a woman so i dont mind sharing Normani and Cardi B - WildSide they were always doing things to draw closer in Atlanta but both got ties to playboy and im really getting hurt! And they set up sex partners that have similar body characteristics to me and hobbies and position them to walk by on my daily route. This has been going on for years. Now im bleeding La Prostitution

Cardi and Normani

Tabletop Mountain Table Top Mountain NaSAJPL LOCATion Local LA Table Mountain Campground Table Moutain Facility Table Mountain Observatory Griffith Zoo to Observatory Loop Gangstarr - Moment_0f_Truth FULL ALBUM Twitters is a repo I made with some tweet where i talked about people effected by the coviDrape of east atlanta

23% increase of sexual and psychological violence reported in a survey of 13,786 people in Spain The impact of COVID19 pandemic and government enforced lockdowns on levels of attendance and context of sexual assaults reported at Saint Marys Sexual Assault Referral Centre A Second, Silent Pandemic: Sexual Violence in the time of COVID-19


Pillars of Creation Web Space Telescope 76ers apologize for canceling ‘We Matter’ anthem singer’s performance


Raising Dion | imdb

Dear_KevinRothwell idk whats going on with my life but im living in Los Angeles right now. You fired me. Do you have ties to Netflix because Raising Dion is an embellished copy of my life with Coral! Theres a Gender swap. And she is a graphic designer, those girls from Dance411 know me that way i was hired as an inter webdeveloper probono an its like Willow Smith or Chloe Bailey from Rentpath Graphic Design… Well maybe thats not you yallywood. But I know Gary Powers was into Korean Girls so I dont know your value system. But there is a girl at CNN that i am angry at because I work for nasajpl i just am in a labor dispute after being poisoned thats all. Jeff told me he worked for JPL in the past so I thoughtI was in the right place. Ashley is related to you one way or another. There aer images posted from Curiosity and I was doing research my blog is popular back east and so is CNN. I was doing Geology on Mars and all the places I need to explore are on that map so its not like she stole something i cooked from scratch and im new to the world of research. So to be honest im confused. But Nakesha held me down for sex and i was all ready digging her so its toxic but not in terms of her control over my physical being and mind… She works at Magic City an they out here in Losangeles dancing at a the place from Demi Moore movie sHOWGIRLS I yelled at you to get away from me bc u dont realize you not my daddy, that was nasty an Mike Child a villian in the AJC… Was my termination related to sex with nakeisha? Mike Child

Electronic Gaming Monthly 58 GamePro Issue 049 August 1993 GamePro Issue 056 March 1994 NBAJAM(s)

people are taking over my sessions, i know i was hacked by you and ppl u know b4… but if u trying to keep up with me i have an atom feed how do i see you, im so confused, im scared of getting killed. TTys i hope

Hi Coral, here are some of my notes from my job, i gotta blog about this discovery bc i cant find the pin in the raw files NASA’s Curiosity Rover Discovers a Surprise in a Martian Rock Mars Science Laboratory: Curiosity Raw Images Filtering:Sol: 4245 to 4248 RelatedTweet relatedtweet Mars Science Laboratory: Curiosity Raw Images Filtering:Sol: 4247 to 4248




Mariner 9 was launched on a 398 million km direct ascent trajectory to Mars by an Atlas-Centaur SLV-3C booster Mars as seen from Mariner9

Mars as seen from Mariner9



by ElecTronicArts BattleToadS Arcade Sega Genesis




Scientific Visualisation Studio Mars 2020: Perseverance Rover Horizon of Mars Two 2001 images from the Mars Orbiter Camera on NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor orbiter show a dramatic change in the planet’s appearance when haze raised by dust-storm activity in the south became globally distributed. NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS NasaJPL on Youtube

Odyssey’s THEMIS Views the Horizon of Mars

Horizon of Mars

MarsSpaceFlight Mars:SpaceFlightFacility Themis Mars Imageviewer Themis MArs Odyssey

Thermal Emission Imaging System


Mars Global Datasets Tour: The data in the video show the telescopic view of Mars from Earth, the planet’s albedo (brightness), its color, its topography, its ancient magnetism, its abundance of elemental potassium, its thermal inertia, and its global mineralogy. Then the scene zooms in, eventually stopping at Syrtis Major, a large, low volcano.


Mars Samples: Proposed Containment and Transport


This illustration shows the proposed process for safely recovering, containing, and transporting Mars samples gathered by NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover after they are returned to Earth as part of the joint NASA/ESA (European Space Agency) Mars Sample Return Campaign.ReadMore

Curiosity Views Gediz Vallis Ridge

Gediz Vallis Ridge

NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover captured this 360-degree panorama while parked below Gediz Vallis Ridge (the hill-like slope at right). After three attempts over the course of three years, the rover finally reached the ridge on its fourth try on Aug. 14, 2023, the 3,923rd Martian day, or sol, of the mission.

Mars James E. Tillman

Introduction; Mars features and Earth – Mars comparisons

“Martian” meteorites SNC and others

The ALH 84001 Controversy

The SNC-meteorites are a group of Achondrite meteorites, by them is assumed, that they originate from the Mars. Shergottite meteorites are often made of mineral grains that can’t be seen clearly without a microscope. The brown areas are grains of the mineral pyroxene and the clear white areas are the mineral plagioclase. These are the two most abundant minerals in a mafic magma of the Earth…ReadMore LEW88516 – 13.2 grams Lherzolitic Shergottite

The ALH 84001 Controversy Did Martian Meteorites Come From These Sources? Gratteri Crater AllanHills 84001

Evidence of Ancient Martian Life in Meteorite ALH84001?



Date: 05 April 2001 Copyright: NASA/JSC

This Martian meteorite is thought by some scientists to contain evidence of life on Mars. The rock is designated ALH84001, after the Allan Hills in Antarctica where it was found. EuropeanSpaceAgency

Terrestrial Age

The “terrestrial age” of a meteorite is how long ago the meteorite fell to Earth. If people witnessed the meteorite’s fall, then its terrestrial age is obvious. But most meteorites, and all Antarctic meteorites like ALH 84001, fell without being noticed by people. Fortunately, terrestrial ages of meteorites can also be calculated from the abundances of some naturally occurring radioactive isotopes of chemical elements. These radioactive isotopes are formed in a meteorite, in space, as it is bombarded by cosmic rays (high-energy elementary particles). After a meteorite lands on Earth, it isn’t hit by cosmic rays any more, no more of the radioactive isotopes form, and the ones already in the rock continue decaying away. So, the more of these isotopes in a meteorite, the less time it has spent on Earth. Terrestrial ages are usually determined from isotopes of the elements carbon (14C), beryllium (10Be), and chlorine (36Cl).

The best measure of ALH 84001’s terrestrial age comes from its abundance of carbon-14 (14C). Carbon-14 dating is most commonly used to get ages for things like archaeological artifacts and the Shroud of Turin. The abundance of carbon-14 in ALH 84001 gives a terrestrial age of about 13,000 years (Jull et al., 1995). ReadMore

Martian meteorite ALH 84001 ALH84001 Orthopyroxenite, 1931 grams /alh84001.pdf Martian meteorite ALH 84001 at Johnson Space Center, after being returned from Antarctica. For scale, the black cube is 1 cm on a side. The outside of ALH 84001 is partially coated with black fusion crust. The interior is a uniform greenish gray. Photo c/o NASA Johnson Space Center. A. What is ALH 84001, the Mars meteorite with the possible fossils?

ALH84001 The National Science Foundation (U.S.) sponsors meteorite-collecting expeditions to Antarctica nearly every year. Meteorites are not abundant anywhere on Earth, but are easier to find in Antarctica than elsewhere on Earth. It’s easy to see black meteorites on the white ice. Also, meteorites that fall onto the Antarctic ice are frozen and preserved much better than they would be anywhere else on Earth. Photo c/o Ursula Marvin, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. ALH 84001 was found in Antarctica during the 1984-1985 Antarctic summer. It was found by a team of meteorite hunters from the ANSMET program, which is sponsored by the Polar Programs Office of the U.S. National Science Foundation. ANSMET stands for ANtarctic Search for METeorites, and has been funded since 1977 by the NSF. In that time, ANSMET meteorite hunters have found more than 7000 meteorites, almost triple the number known from outside Antarctica. The Antarctic Meteorite Location and Mapping Project (AMLAMP) provides locations, maps, and databases of meteorite finds. ReadMore


Fossil Life in ALH 84001?

These pages are an explanation of the Science paper of Dr. David McKay and his co-workers, where they give evidence that martian bacteria may have lived in the martian meteorite ALH 84001. I’ve tried to organize and review their evidence that ALH 84001 contains fossils and traces of ancient martian life, and also tried to outline some counter-evidence and some likely questions about the evidence. My intention is to present the work of McKay and co-authors even-handedly and nonjudgmentally. Allan H. Treiman, Lunar and Planetary Institute. Read_Document_Here

REDDiT Linux users, what’s your favourite bash prompt?

Family Status


~> ThatTweet ~>

It Involves Mori


While i was in atlanta A childhood sweetheart walked backinto my life. She did not tell me she was a sex slave. Alot of what I hear in the Immigration Reform headlines and topics (S.1200 - Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986) would protect her from being sold on the street. But im wondering about how I can stay safe. Theres about 7 women all my age possibly 9 bc they have disquses like Sartu is also Normani The Popstar so Get this! Erika has a deep history in East Los Angeles. I found a documenary on Vicky’s Town Chronicles called Gangster Girls 1999 East LA so she hid that from me, she was stalking me on OkayPlayer and 12ozProphet and those were not secret but segmented lives when I was a JehovahsWitness! So The confusion i have is that Prostitution is illegal here!. I never told you but a big part of the black community dont like me working here… I have been tortured and sabotaged eversince month 2 of my employment post Mori Associates Mori on Linkedin and when Jose Pi Pineapple told me i could not come back, i was coming in later than 8am bc i was troubleshooting AirQuality which is normal when your wife is having seizurs and your 3 year old is waking up in pools of blood!~ like it was serious! So now i understand that for the Pornography mob to take a family they havce to disable the breadwinner. Erika suggested we live outside, but that was a set up to dump me and i held on to the child as long as possible taking remote, devops and any position that would get me to the next meal with the kid and whatever i needed to keep her mother from running out in front of a car (YuppieSex). So The brown girl in the photo looks like #Muna_Ahmed from atlanta it could be Normani but we had a serious sexual relationship in georgia and she wanted to grow with a stable partner. And Coral was not a blacck Eye for a relationship bc She was happy and had dreadlocks the brown girls were from Africa so they loved me as a father and wanted to have a baby and We just continue. Then Muna died and Normani stepped in as Sartu at Muna funeral. I ended up back in California after someone saw Normani or Muna leave my East Atlanta Cottage (631 moreland ave) my life fell apart. Dwayne_Gooden of IonicSecurity and USMC Started bullying me and saying Ethiopian girls are hard to get. He brought me in his office to talk about nightlife an i was questioned on “fuckinBitchiz” its a foriegn concept bc those prostitutes aka groupies are like stage children in regular population and being a JehovahsWitness stage child im a quick go to after they done murdered some pimp or something! And I want a peacful life. The guys that buy them for sex often molest children or turn a blind eye to it, so what do I do? i never bought anyone for sex or raped or even took advantage of anyone, maybe erika a little bit bc deepdown i knew we were just friends… But about the amout of women, they always comhome after they get a free break MagicCity dont talk about what they do to local men to perform… its dark, i want to work and earn money please help me List Of StripCluB


California Penal Code 647(b) PC prohibits someone from both engaging in prostitution and soliciting, which means requesting, encouraging, or offering to pay for sex.

WHAT MUST BE PROVEN FOR A PC 647(B) PROSTITUTION CONVICTION? In order for a prosecutor to obtain a conviction against you for soliciting prostitution in violation of PC 647(b), they must prove:

You requested that someone engage in the act of prostitution You had intent to actually engage in an act of prostitution The other person actually received the communication with the request It should be noted there must be some form of an overt act, such as:

Discussion of money in exchange for sexual act, or Making an ATM money withdraw or sex What is considered a lewd act?

A “lewd act” includes sexual intercourse or some type of lewd conduct, including:

Touching the genitals, or Buttocks, or Female breast, with; The intent to arouse or sexual gratification

Decades of Reform: Prostitutes, Feminists, and the War on White Slavery

Mighty Healthy · Ghostface Killah

Los angeles is a Euridite civiliZation so i may need to pay more attention to signage characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly: an erudite professor; an erudite commentary. Synonyms: sapient, wise, knowledgeable, educated.

NasaGLEN_RED_PLANET NAsa_GLeNN PLANET MARS creator:”NASA/Glenn Research Center” Glamour Life In my belly im updatig even if i was wrong about plegerism i have to be realistic normani could have seduced me toget e away from california too! So im investigating what got me here waiting outside this porno cess pool, HollywoodFoodCo not normal, and i wonder what exactly active mission means? BC if im confused and being poisoned runing from here to there, ithink Jamie would let me know formerly that i was not a part of nasajpl in anyway bc #Jose_M_Pi ru that shit! an heeee say no! i should have been more humble about working from home… my wife is a slut so… there was a three year old, that family vaporized i wanna come back. I really wanna know if the Nasa SoundCloud Account is Real

Perseverance Rover Watches Ingenuity Mars Helicopter’s 54th Flight

Listen to NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter in Flight

NASA · Listen to NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter in Flight

Mars Sounds


Sol 4185: Left Navigation Camera


Broken wheel? homepage

Sol 4185: Left Navigation Camera


Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Hi Jamie/Robin/Brenda During my last time with you on campus i was told to explore the wheels! I guess you guys Saw my research to build a high powered grocery getter. I found this hole in the wheel about two months ago. The girls are really going through it right now and I really dont know what the future holds, but im dedicated to the mission. Jose Pi did not know i was real. I slap myself for running off when he said you cant come back. I learned a lot about working remote in Atlanta but i got fired twice bc i was having too much fun! I was completing tasks and training thier employees! PearsonEdu had a bunch of Windows admins and i tought them a lot of LinuxBased #DNS philosophy next thing you know im working remote and i have no income! If you are not in a office position ppl stop trusting you. I never knew my coworkeds went to MagicCity its a dark neighborhood secret and as we got older i aged out of the computer world in the east bc Normani got famous in BallroomDanceing and numbed the sex servant side to the eyes of the Public. Once i was seen with her it got really hard at work, I had no idea so much sabotage exisited. We got involved also be i was working 24.7 oncall “MissionCritical” support for and Ionic Security i saved them from Splunk issues so many times at night. I understand sleepcycles bc she became my friend. Im OnCall for them so “Be oncall for me” It was a freindship gesture. Now im friends with a sex slave, thats attracted to me!

This image was taken by Left Navigation Camera onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4185 (2024-05-15 04:55:27 UTC).

The Landsat 8 & 9 Active Fire and Thermal Anomalies product, generated from the Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) shows active fire detections and thermal anomalies, such as volcanoes, and gas flares. The_Rover Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers (Korean release)

The Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft was placed into Mars orbit on September 11, 1997 MGS



Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)

Since the early 1960s, the collective space agencies of the world have launched over 50 missions to the distant world the Romans named after their deity of war, and one of those missions – NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) – is in its 14th year of ground-breaking study above Mars.ReadMore MRO Ice

CuriosityOnMArs martianLandscape

CassBeats · 4. Jadakiss - Keep It 100

Girl in a jacket

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All Mars Resources

6/4/2020 checking in

IM LOOKING FOR THE OPTIMIST VIDEO im on twitter well for me #DnsRedirect i hope mytweets are coming through, homeland security was in doqwntown losangeles yesterday morning those allied universal gaurds are still bullying me, so i told them to come to the gate with the armed gaurd so yall can run the weapons #Serials i think #BurBankDirTy , im on they twitter an i think they know shit we really need to investigate! I was brought on to get the mission out, jamie an this older white lady that loves the landing could not spell it out! But i was a superDub pioneer in JEhovahs witnesses an this side of my mission role is coming into view from their site ``` ARTICLE 19 works for a world where all people everywhere can freely express themselves and actively engage in public life without fear of discrimination. ``` if we get them to #Mayor_Karen with the california constitution who knows whats possible to free us from the censorship torture!

Mars Lithograph

Mars Lithograph

Rover Components

The Mars 2020 rover, Perseverance, is based on the Mars Science Laboratory's Curiosity rover configuration, with an added science and technology toolbox. An important difference is that Perseverance can sample and cache minerals.

This image, taken in the Spacecraft Assembly Facility's High Bay 1 at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, on July 23, 2019, shows a close-up of the head of Mars 2020's remote sensing mast. The mast head contains the SuperCam instrument (its lens is in the large circular opening). In the gray boxes beneath mast head are the two Mastcam-Z imagers. On the exterior sides of those imagers are the rover's two navigation cameras. NASA/JPL-Caltech

Girl in a jacket


normani Normani Bobbly Ray is from Decatur No one belived i worked for nasa when i came back east after being poisoned out of Monrovia’s Extended Stay with Erika. When I was babysitting coral, the song 5Th Dimension was a fun tune. iDk if you assisted with production but it had that Party Vibe we catch with the kids. So im running around Palmdale Mall(Antelope Valley) Playing that hppy pop shit from atlanta to keep her entertained. She was born in Northside and has a true Native Georgia energy! I bring it up bc a few ppl talk to me in strange ways like you, but i really dont know who he is. But I know i went to the same barbershop for some time. I had some ppl taunting me in songs about you, erika and muna. It really breaks my heart bc im not from there. A lot of ppl got chewed up with jealosy and im terrified he is fighting me too. He is a Flat Earther… i think im wrong irt inrealtime Anyway im trying to weed out real people. Since you from Magic, like yo i really need you to help me sort out my male relationships so i dont hurt you … peer pressure im scared i dont really know what to say but there is a layer of men i can hang out with and have fun but they destroy my life bc they have a different view of the law and graffiti… Back to Bobby ray. Since he using a Nasa Logo i dont know man since the The traditional NASA blue circular logo is common in the media i think ppl see the WormLogo as Deprecated i use it to identify myself in California

Rapper B.o.B. raising funds to check if Earth is flat

BoB London Jae - NASA (

wormLogo BoBNaSa

Ella Mai::Not Another Love Song

YoungBoy Never Broke Again - We Poppin (feat. Birdman)

I have not really connected to any of your songs before, but today is different. I miss riding in Savannah. I lost my little girl, the one that was with me when you an your girl pulled up on me in Savannah. That song was really healing. Im in Los Angeles, i got intimate with Normani and i dont know what life is, but i saw that LenoxMall tape when Allied tried you. They had this Intership program at Dance411 an a few girls encircled me, we went to Graveyard and HodgePodge for meetings, an after some reondevus with about 4 different girls that all wear the same makeup i realized i got played… There is this lightskinone i see in Hollywood hellafly, used to dance there… Anyway Im running bc i was accused of killing erika and ppl trying to kill me bc the charge cant stick! Nasa has been monitoring me an i know i can get clear! If you stuck in LosAngeles go get a BackgroundCheck its FortMcFphereson for LA bc im getting taht since im criminally clean they putting a lot of pressure on me to stay healthy so they can come home. Erika is Latto her an Gucci was … actually u know all there was a namechange an im hurt but since Matt is involved i hope there was like a bad trick bc, at somepoint hey will be free from Playboy an im grieving Normani getting shit Erika missed out on bc they would never give her privacy as a married woman. Its Genocide man they have a word for it in California… eugenics

print("YoungBoy Never Broke Again - We Poppin (feat. Birdman)")
print("Normani ride with me ...")

Atlanta Changing Atlanta

Jiah · College Daze
thakasErika · #holeToAnotherUniverse #WorkShirt

Travis Scott - Days Before Astroworld ( - The Anti Tape ( Album Of The Week | Meek Mill – DC4 88.7fm 11/4/2016 Gunsmith Cats Episode 1 1080p Subbed By Kenichi Sonoda -, Fair use, Link

Pineapple Fire and Ice (1983 film) imdb

Red Earth / War-Zard (Euro 961121) Red Earth, released in Japan as Warzard (ウォーザード, Wōzādo),[1] is a fantasy-themed 2D fighting game released by Capcom as an arcade game in 1996. It was the first game for Capcom’s CP System III hardware,[2] the same hardware which Street Fighter III and its derivatives ran on.[3] After not being released on a home platform for 26 years, it was announced on February 20, 2022 that Red Earth would receive its first port as a part of the Capcom Fighting Collection on June 24, 2022 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.[4]


ReadMoreOnWikipedia Play WarZard

Magnum Photos

TRON imdb TronGame


Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

Beyond the Valley of the Dolls is a 1970 American satirical[6][7] musical melodrama film starring Dolly Read, Cynthia Myers, Marcia McBroom, Phyllis Davis, John LaZar, Michael Blodgett, and David Gurian. The film was directed by Russ Meyer and screenwritten by Roger Ebert from a story by Ebert and Meyer.[8]


Viking Gullies on Mars Gullies on Mars

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Martian Sunrise at Phoenix Landing Site, Sol 101

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Great Red Spot Rotation

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JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory - La Cañada Flintridge

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