Mars Mission Objectives Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter searches for evidence that water persisted on the surface of Mars for a long period of time. ReadMore

The Red Planet Mars

An American scientist is able to contact and communicate with Mars with shattering political, economic, and spiritual repercussions. imdb

Rashard Kelly NasaJpl MRO JUNO iSS

Twitter Follow .github/workflows/ci.yaml Gem Version


Thumbnail of Rashard

Chronology of discoveries of water on Mars

To date, interplanetary spacecraft have provided abundant evidence of water on Mars, dating back to the Mariner 9 mission Wiki

MRO files to explore issues i wont ignore!

Definition lists can be used with HTML syntax.

Rashard(Thaka) Iman Kelly
North America

Perservere PioNeer10

Pioneer 10 (originally designated Pioneer F) is a NASA space probe launched in 1972 that completed the first mission to the planet Jupiter.[6]


Astronomy: Mars LandSurveying @whitehouse

i found a crater with a strange texture! and wanted to share it File Location

Mars Land Surveying : Rocks on Mars

PIA26481: NASA’s Perseverance Observes ‘Observation Rock’

Original Caption Released with Image: This natural-color, high-resolution mosaic showing “Observation Rock” was taken by the Mastcam-Z instrument on NASA’s Perseverance as the rover climbed the western wall of Jezero Crater. The location is near an area the Perseverance science team is calling “Curtis Ridge.”

The 14 frames used to generate the mosaic were acquired on Oct. 18, 2024, the 1,302nd Martian day, or sol, of Perseverance’s mission. NasaPhotoJournal @nasa-jpl Rocks on mars

Laila’s Wisdom re:coral @blackgirlscode WipEout® OST [PSX]: CoLD SToRAGE - Messij California Constitution 1879 California Constitution Equal Rights Amendments: State Provisions 1849 California Constitution (spanish)

NASAJPL_FiRE_Co Atladena ALTADENA RelatedTweet nassaJPLfire UnixProgrammingEnviornment


Los Angeles Fires : Palisades : Pepperdine


FLiGHTLiNES.CSV Coast Twitter Follow Twitter Follow Commit 4a8760a Twitter Follow

AVIRIS-3 L1b Radiance Data Related to California Fires Now Available RelatedTweet RELATEDTWEET TWiNG AViRiS RelatedTweet AViRiS RASHARDLoGiN TWiNG MY_LOGiN AViRiS

Missing from My world

maybe its good, idk but i wanna know we ok with eachother @blackgirlscode NORMANI


MarsPano RelatedTweeT 2 1 w

Mars Perseverance Raw Images RelatedTweet Twitter Follow Twitter Follow Twitter Follow Twitter Follow

CurrentWork - rashardMRO - CODEPEN

iD.NASA.GOV - NASA USER LOGiN success Login

PDS Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node - WebTool Computer Ethics 4th ed. Deborah G. Johnson NASAJPL Technology Highlights 2022 <~ @whitehouse @deptofdefense thats a report that i missed from @nasa Giovanni User Guide.docx.html HORiZONS_APi_GUiDE

Bill Nelson

My letter to the next NASA Administrator: @nasa @nasa-jpl Mr_Nelson, i want direct links to your letter for my records @whitehouse Related letter to the next NASA Administrator


VOYAGER Voyager ATLAS_VOYAGER RElatedTweet WhereIsVoyager PDS_LiNK EarthWindMap

Mars Perseverance Sol 1396: Left Mastcam-Z Camera

Sol 1396 NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover acquired this image using its Left Mastcam-Z camera. Mastcam-Z is a pair of cameras located high on the rover’s mast.

This image was acquired on Jan. 23, 2025 (Sol 1396) at the local mean solar time of 14:04:16.

Image Credit: @NASA/JPL-@Caltech/ASU

JPL and the Space Age: Destination Moon @nasa-jpl i was watching it at the duratn hollywood library and when i was looking at my github page for sharig it shut off #sessionjacked ucla: birthplace of the internet How to roll back Git code to a previous commit Jekyll Array


Horizon of Mars Horizon of Mars

martian landscape

  img[src*="ZR0_1320_0784114966_193EBY_N0612534ZCAM04024_1100LMJ01_1200.jpg"] {width: 100%;
    border-bottom:solid 10px  #BF785E50;
    filter: contrast(200%); 

All Night Long : by Common Feat EryKah Badu



NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover acquired this image using its onboard Left Navigation Camera (Navcam). The camera is located high on the rover’s mast and aids in driving. mars2020 Cite

Mars Perseverance Sol 1396: Left Navigation Camera (Navcam)

NAVCAM mars2020


Panoply netCDF, HDF and GRIB Data Viewer


panoply \PAN-uh-plee\, noun: 1. A splendid or impressive array. …

Panoply plots geo-referenced and other arrays from netCDF, HDF, GRIB, and other datasets.

Panoply is a cross-platform application that runs on Macintosh, Windows, Linux and other desktop computers. Panoply requires that your computer has have had a compatible Java 11 (or later version) JRE or JDK installed. @blackgirlscode this looks cool like HiView Hi view is a camera on my primary mission Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiViEW-INSTRUCTiONS DOWNLOAD - HiViEW HiView is the best way to explore HiRISE images of the Martian surface at the full resolution of the imagery. Tracks of boulders that have fallen down crater walls, delicate rays of ejecta from fresh impact craters, and the unearthly formations created by carbon dioxide ice on the Martian south pole are just a few of the things that are waiting to be discovered by anyone using a tool like HiView with HiRISE imagery.

HiRiSE-MRO By @NASA -, Public Domain, Link MARS MRO

A quick tour of netCDF data - Argis

### Mars MissionObjectives MArs Reconnocinse Orbiter



gfortran — the GNU Fortran compiler, part of GCC Gfortran is the name of the GNU Fortran project, developing a free Fortran 95/2003/2008/2018 compiler for GCC

! Welcome to GDB Online.
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Program Hello
!Print *, "Hello World

!End Program Hello

!program hello
  ! This is a comment line; it is ignored by the compiler
  print *, 'Hello, World!'
end program Hello

i did it for jehovah, now i do it for the world-casualDaily atm!

MyCAbinet MY_CABinet i did it for jehovah, now i do it for the world-casualDaily atm!

LoS Angeles Fires 2025

Los Angeles Fires 2025 RelatedTweet Nasa EarthObservatory PALiSADESFOOTPRiNT NASA_EARTHOBSERVATORY - The Palisades Fire’s Footprint RelatedTweet

Mars Mission Objectives MArs Reconnocinse Orbiter Laila’s Wisdom re:coral @blackgirlscode

1879 California Constitution Equal Rights Amendments: State Provisions 1849 California Constitution (spanish) PDS Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node - WebTool Computer Ethics 4th ed. Deborah G. Johnson NASAJPL Technology Highlights 2022 <~ @whitehouse @deptofdefense thats a report that i missed from @nasa Giovanni User Guide.docx.html HORiZONS_APi_GUiDE Viking Mars Lander Persevere Rover PARACHuTE Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter caught this image of Phoenix hanging from its parachute as it descended to the Martian surface in 2008. Credit: NASA /JPL-Caltech /University of Arizona

Macross Plus OVA

@blackgirlscode @nasa-jpl this is real, and i dont want to be reprimanded for being nasty Classic

TRON imdb TronGame


Image PRocessing

While on Twitter I became concerned, how do u do lens corrections on another planet? idk where to start, but i wanna alex jones ya. I cant tho! I had to keep reading and i found this great write up on Nasa PhotoJournal id like to know more deetails but i can play with opencam in the mean time - Rashard Twitter Follow Twitter Follow

The first version of the pair of images above was processed onboard the rover into a color image. Once scientists back on Earth receive such images, they perform additional processing to improve contrast and sharpness, and to correct for distortions caused by the camera’s fisheye lens (the curved edges of the final image are the result of correcting for those distortions).

PIA26516: MARDI Peeks Under Curiosity

This pair of images shows the Martian surface captured by NASA’s Curiosity rover using its Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) camera on Nov. 7, 2024, the 4,357th Martian day, or sol, of the mission. The raw image on the left has not been processed; on the right is the same image after being processed on Earth to reveal additional details in the camera’s images, which were taken after sunset, when the lighting is more uniform than the harsh shadows that occur earlier in the day.

MARDI was designed to capture images from below the rover as Curiosity descended to the surface on Aug. 5, 2012. (Those images were later assembled together to create the first video of a descent to the Martian surface.) After landing, the mission repurposed MARDI as a surface camera. They use it to take a snapshot at the end of every drive to document the changing terrain and textures the mission has come across during its exploration of Gale Crater and the 3-mile-tall (5-kilometer-tall) mountain within it, Mount Sharp.

MARDI views the surface just behind the rover’s left front wheel, which is visible in the images. While it is not in sharp focus on the surface (the camera was designed to capture the long-range imaging during descent) but is able to resolve features as small as a few millimeters (0.1 inch). Likewise, because MARDI wasn’t intended to be a surface camera, it lacks a dust cover. As a result, its dusty lens mutes colors and details.

Because of that additional processing, MARDI has provided a useful way to study rock layering, textures, mineral veins, wheel tracks, and sand ripples – all of which are apparent in the second, processed, image here. Occasionally scientists will take a series of images while Curiosity drives, creating an image strip that documents changes across the surface. When the rover remains stationary (such as when it’s collecting and processing a rock sample) a series of images can reveal the movement of windblown sand.

Figure A shows the image before processing on Earth.

Figure B shows the image after processing on Earth.

Curiosity was built by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is managed by Caltech in Pasadena, California. JPL leads the mission on behalf of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Malin Space Science Systems in San Diego built and operates MARDI.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS




M_R_O_Times:PC-C5 Trailer 2 - Integration


Dear Team (Twitter FollowVeroinCa, Twitter Follow GeorgieC Twitter FollowJamie, Robin(Twitter Follow@USGS Twitter Followzoeapie Twitter Followandrew_feldman)) I was on Twitter an i saw an Army intergration excercise in Southern California. It looks like a required attendance thing. I am aware that we are launched by the airforce Twitter Follow from Atribe Called quest Left his wallet in Elsegundo so im thinking i missed the poiunt of a lot of babershop gossip. I just dont wanna be kidnapped Twitter Follow Twitter Follow read this

On the future battlefield the U.S. Army will never fight alone, and the integration of forces is a key component of dominating the future fight. Project Convergence Capstone 5 (PC-C5), an Army hosted joint and multination, two-phase, “in-the-dirt” experiment, will integrate with the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, Space Force, and military partners from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France and Japan in early 2025.


i miss my child @whitehouse

a girl i met at dance411 wrte this abt her daughter @blackgirlscode

Twitter Follow Twitter Follow Twitter Follow

Twitter Follow Dear_Mayor ,

Its Rashard Iman Kelly - NASAJPL Mars_Reconosinnce_Orbiter plese see my Cat File!. I was put out of Francis Goldwyn because i have a cart! Are there options for places i can store my cart. My mission Captain not gonna take excuses if Mars Curiosity Breaks down and i was not watching! I made a promise on a US military base! I dont wanna break it just to prove al jehovahs witnesses are and were not theiving perverts. I wanna stay on with Nasa bc with the background verification Process I know im safe from TThe mental Hospital and Private Security if im cautious. LA Homeless was doing a meeting this morning and it was for a Homeless Census. The dangerous thing is the sex attached from all the covid lockdown sex parties. People are being mistreated because of who they know! I did not suck a ball players dick, but my friend did and i cant have clean library access because of it. I want a girlfriend so bad, but i cant participate in playboy sex market. Thats actually partly y NASAJPL is not giving me my money atm… VaLecia Adams Kellum seem slow and super toxic and i just wanna go back to mission control y do playboy run your city?!!??!

Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count RelatedTweet- HomelessCount2025-LA_HOMELESS_AUTHORiTY MeanTweet LA Currents: Dr. Va Lecia Adams Kellum (10m) Twitter Follow Twitter Follow im sorry rashard

Homeless Count Dates

Los Angeles Homeles Services Authority map

The. Martian. 2015. EXTENDED. 1080p. BRRip.x 264. AAC ETRG

@nasa-jpl i was thinking that Matt Damon was teasing me bc playboy stole all my belongings when my wife left me… Twitter Follow Twitter Follow YANDEX

Twitter Follow T.I. thanks kid





Martian polar ice caps

@esa Water at Martian south pole

: The Picture element

@blackgirlscode @normani im really enjoying HTML5 there are so many new tags that add more networking support so images dont go down or are rendered correctly ReadMore <picture> @mozilla how do i know im a healthy web developer @nasa-jpl ? THats as u know our man browser on campus, im working on converting the <picture> tag to markdown @kramdown RashardLEarned - -Mars TODAy

  <source srcset="/media/cc0-images/surfer-240-200.jpg" media="(orientation: portrait)" />
  <img src="/media/cc0-images/painted-hand-298-332.jpg" alt="" />

[<picture srcset="/media/cc0-images/surfer-240-200.jpg" media="(orientation: portrait)"  <img src="/media/cc0-images/painted-hand-298-332.jpg" alt="" /> ]( <img src="/media/cc0-images/painted-hand-298-332.jpg" alt="" />)

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Jim Taylor, Dennis K. Lee, and Shervin Shambayati

6.1 Mission Overview Thanks for SPaceforce Donald, Thanks for Protecting Oaklands girls like Erika so she still have her oakland grandchild re: constancia, bernadette

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) [1, 2] has a suite of instruments making observations at Mars, and it provides data-relay services for Mars landers and rovers. MRO was launched on August 12, 2005. The orbiter successfully went into orbit around Mars on March 10, 2006 and began reducing its orbit altitude and circularizing the orbit in preparation for the science mission. The orbit changing was accomplished through a process called aerobraking, in preparation for the “science mission” starting in November 2006, followed by the “relay mission” starting in November 2008. MRO participated in the Mars Science Laboratory touchdown and surface mission that began in August 2012 (Chapter 7). ReadMore - PDF NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter searches for evidence that water persisted on the surface of Mars for a long period of time. ActiveMission - DoD

About the United States Space Force

Thanks for SPaceforce Donald, Thanks for Protecting Oaklands girls like Erika so she still have her oakland grandchild re: constancia, bernadette United States Space Force The U.S. Space Force was established on Dec. 20, 2019, creating the first new branch of the armed services since 1947. The establishment of the USSF resulted from widespread recognition that space is a national security imperative. When combined with the growing threat posed by strategic competitors in space, it became clear that there was a need for a military service focused solely on pursuing superiority in the space domain. US SPACE Force 101 - PDF


Mars MissionObjectives MArs Reconnocinse Orbiter

1879 California Constitution Equal Rights Amendments: State Provisions 1849 California Constitution (spanish) PDS Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node - WebTool Computer Ethics 4th ed. Deborah G. Johnson

Library Scare RelatedTweet

You are not allowed at this location @nasa-jpl @deptofdefense @blackgirlscode thats what it said when i loggedin mariner COMPUTiNG:Highlighting liquid code in Jekyll =

Apple IIe

Mars Perseverance Sol 1320: Right Mastcam-Z Camera


This photo was selected by public vote and featured as “Image of the Week” for Week 195 (Nov. 3 - 9, 2024) of the Perseverance rover mission on Mars.

NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover acquired this image using its Right Mastcam-Z camera. Mastcam-Z is a pair of cameras located high on the rover’s mast.

This image was acquired on Nov. 5, 2024 (Sol 1320) at the local mean solar time of 10:23:50.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU martian landscape

  img[src*="ZR0_1320_0784114966_193EBY_N0612534ZCAM04024_1100LMJ01_1200.jpg"] {width: 100%;
    border-bottom:solid 10px  #BF785E50;
    filter: contrast(50%); 

Dear_Normani re:WorkDayMoodiness

M_R_O_Update:Veterans Day


Dear Team (Twitter FollowVeroinCa, Twitter Follow GeorgieC Twitter FollowJamie, Robin(Twitter Follow@USGS Twitter Followzoeapie Twitter Followandrew_feldman)) I will likely not be online tomorrow at all. And Im learning more from my scavenger hunt to normalcy. I found some documentation within Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room on Mind control. There are a lot of RumorVideos about mind control, that one is just some ppl in atlanta ther need to be brought in in my playboy destitution case. I dont know how to solve my internet access problems Twitter Follow Twitter Follow I have been doing NOC_WORK as asked and its 27/7 and idk marstime ! Mars Relay Network i have not looked at i got swamped learning FirMS i found a @twitter account for a Mars Relay Network feed but it said its dead from APi Changes… if im not online, can someone let me in since its Veterans day? Twitter Follow Twitter Follow

Mars Relay Network
Automated by @russss
Killed by Twitter's API changes.

Lessons Learned from the Mars Relay Network: Considerations for Future Relay Networks Practical Mobile Forensics (2014).pdf Project MK-ULTRA cia-readingroom

Sol 4359: Mars Hand Lens Imager MAHLI

sunday Nov 10thLatest From MSL

NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity acquired this image using its Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), located on the turret at the end of the rover’s robotic arm, on November 10, 2024, Sol 4359 of the Mars Science Laboratory Mission, at 04:14:53 UTC.

Thanks for SPaceforce Donald, Thanks for Protecting Oaklands girls like Erika so she still have her oakland grandchild re: constancia, bernadette

gitGraph commit commit branch develop checkout develop commit commit checkout main merge develop commit commit
journey title My working day section Go to work Make tea: 5: Me Go upstairs: 3: Me Do work: 1: Me, Cat section Go home Go downstairs: 5: Me Sit down: 5: Me

Atlas - Plaetary Data System Clementine 1 Clementine 1 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter - Data Halloween comet’s final moments captured by SOHO spacecraft The Moon - Clementine Clementine was a joint project between the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization and NASA. The objective of the mission was to test sensors and spacecraft components under extended exposure to the space environment and to make scientific observations of the Moon and the near-Earth asteroid 1620 Geographos. The observations included imaging at various wavelengths including ultraviolet and infrared, laser ranging altimetry, and charged particle measurements. These observations were originally for the purposes of assessing the surface mineralogy of the Moon and Geographos, obtaining lunar altimetry from 60N to 60S latitude, and determining the size, shape, rotational characteristics, surface properties, and cratering statistics of Geographos. Clementine was launched on 25 January 1994 at 16:34 UTC (12:34 PM EDT) from Vandenberg AFB aboard a Titan IIG rocket. After two Earth flybys, lunar insertion was achieved on February 21. Lunar mapping took place over approximately two months, in two parts. The first part consisted of a 5 hour elliptical polar orbit with a perilune of about 400 km at 28 degrees S latitude. After one month of mapping the orbit was rotated to a perilune of 29 degrees N latitude, where it remained for one more month. This allowed global imaging as well as altimetry coverage from 60 degrees S to 60 degrees N. Twitter Follow Twitter Follow Clementine Project Information Clementine 1

Girl in a jacket meatball

sun SOHO SOHO, the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory SOHO, the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory, is a project of international collaboration between ESA and NASA to study the Sun from its deep core to the outer corona and the solar wind. SOHO was launched on December 2, 1995. Further information about SOHO:FactSheet.PDF


planets like earth MARSODESSEY With more than 20 years in orbit and counting, the 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft has spent more time in orbit around the Red Planet, collecting data on Mars’ climate and geology, than any other spacecraft in history. waymo After Burner III - SegaCD Dune - SEGACD At first Herbert considered using Mars as setting for his novel, but eventually decided to use a fictional planet instead. His son Brian said that “Readers would have too many preconceived ideas about that planet, due to the number of stories that had been written about it.” WikiPedia - Dune (novel) Prince of Persia Joe Montana’s NFL Football NBA Live 95 (USA, Europe)

Mars Albedo

NASA ID: PIA02816 waymo

i had a good thing going with nth-child floats. [@sawmac thanks!] Every other image is either left or right justified. Each timne i upload a photo the layout changes bc images get shifted to the opposite side of the screen. I know im communicating well at times and the variety will help at least in my theroy not be as challenging to revisit for those that need to look at research/interest/ activity record. This is my first try at nested css. i just started updating my CV and the Nested array concept i learned in ruby seems to be common thing in programming if u consider any array of items this one is unexpected bc it will always grow the array is whats displayed on screen

section img {
  display: block;
  max-height: 100%;
  max-width: 100%;

  img:nth-child(odd) {
    float: right;
  img:nth-child(even) {
    float: left;




Deimos Eclipse

Deimos is the smaller of Mars’ two moons. It’s 9 by 7 by 6.8 miles in size (15 by 12 by 11 kilometers). Deimos orbits Mars every 30 hours.Deimos was discovered on Aug. 11, 1877 by Asaph Hall. Hall named Mars’ moons for the mythological sons of Ares, the Greek counterpart of the Roman god, Mars. Deimos, whose name means dread, is the brother of Phobos.

[<video controls poster="" src="" alt="pollution Los Angeles" />](

RED_EARTH Red Earth / War-Zard (Euro 961121) Red Earth, released in Japan as Warzard (ウォーザード, Wōzādo) Martian Mythology? UTOPiAs Because early versions of the nebular hypothesis of Solar System formation held that the planets were formed sequentially starting at the outermost planets, some authors envisioned Mars as an older and more mature world than the Earth, and it became the setting for many utopian works of fiction. This genre made up the majority of stories about Mars in the late 1800s and continued to be represented through the early 1900s WikiPedia Open Source Stories - Hello World Episode I (Featured on GitHub Twitter) Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 etc)

Halloween Storms 2003: SOHO/EIT and TRACE at 195 Angstroms

This visualization compares the full-disk solar view of SOHO/EIT (green, on the left) with the small field of view of the TRACE ultraviolet telescope (gold, on the right). The yellow border of the TRACE imagery is projected on the appropriate location on the green EIT imagery. ReadMorE

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

Phobos Eclipse



3d Glasses

Anaglyph 3D is the stereoscopic 3D effect achieved by means of encoding each eye’s image using filters of different (usually chromatically opposite) colors, typically red and cyan.


mars surface

Evidence of water found on Mars

Evidence of water found on Mars

Spirit Lands on Mars

waymo Street Fighter Alpha 2 (960430 USA) How’s the Weather on Mars? (NASA Mars Report)


mars surface


Im not riding with or in Waymo thats suicide. But i am looking at EuropaClipper up close bc she pass by mars. And im excited to look at earth an we get a flyby there too.. idk where it will orbit yet, but the name CLipper suggest sailing. its going to pass Europa which Galileo discovered b4 it was crashed WAYMO


Muddy Waters , Mannish Boy , 1977 Hard Again version Muddy Waters - Mannish Boy (Audio) Aquaboogie (A Psychoalphadiscobetabioaquadoloop) Testing Example Code In Your Jekyll Posts

About Kashdoll and Me Updated

Jamie, Robin I am running across her more often and i have reason to belive she is manessah my Family Services rep and i got hen pecked and run over so they could change a lot of ppl life real quick after the insurrection in washington. That sounds like a crazy theory to me, but i think she got picked up by playboy in highschool, she in this video. She always quick visits and this tape Trapped in The Dollhouse i got an update after she was twerking inviting me to be more friendly in the studio. Mind you all this political turmoil is amuck! And once the Riot happened its like atlanta fell apart, but in this message i get that she is brotheled in some way! In BratMail she let me know she was looking at me On my new new shit, like my name is Rashaad that was my update.

So everyones been wondering why
Kash Doll's been rapping on everyone else beats
And why she's been riding other people waves
And, um, why she's killing all these remixes?
It's because I can't put my own original music out, okay?
It's because I signed myself in a hoe ass contract
I did that and now I'm trapped inside of a fucking dollhouse
And I wanna get out of this shit
No way to escape the dollhouse
But you know what?
Timing is everything and I think God has perfect timing
So right now, I'm just gonna get on every fucking beat there is

donald DonaldORweLL flag

January 6 U.S. Capitol attack riot, Washington, D.C., U.S. [2021] January 6 U.S. Capitol attack, storming of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, by a mob of supporters of Republican Pres. Donald J. Trump. The attack disrupted a joint session of Congress convened to certify the results of the presidential election of 2020, which Trump had lost to his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden. Because its object was to prevent a legitimate president-elect from assuming office, the attack was widely regarded as an insurrection or attempted coup d’état. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law-enforcement agencies also considered it an act of domestic terrorism. For having given a speech before the attack in which he encouraged a large crowd of his supporters near the White House to march to the Capitol and violently resist Congress’s certification of Biden’s victory—which many in the crowd then did—Trump was impeached by the Democratic-led House of Representatives for “incitement of insurrection” (he was subsequently acquitted by the Senate). cite - BritannicA Planning and Execution Timeline for the National Guard’s Involvement in the January 6, 2021 Violent Attack at the U.S. Capitol

in surrection

in surrection in surrection Phones of top Pentagon officials were wiped of Jan. 6 messages The DOD is the latest part of the federal government to have deleted official phone communications relevant to investigations into the events of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol Transcripts Show President Trump’s Directives to Pentagon Leadership to “Keep January 6 Safe” Were Deliberately Ignored Pentagon, D.C. officials point fingers at each other over Capitol riot response Three Years Since the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol 7 hours, 700 arrests, 1 year later: The Jan. 6 Capitol attack, by the numbers - ABC7 Capitol riots: A visual guide to the storming of Congress Fact check: Five enduring lies about the Capitol insurrection - CNN - Brian Dale and Marshall Cohen The January 6th insurrection in photos - How Networked Incitement Fueled the January 6 Capitol Insurrection - scientific american U.S. CAPITOL RIOT - iOwA CapiTal diSpatch What Trump Said to Supporters on Jan. 6 Before Their Capitol Riot - WSJ Democrats, seeking to impeach the president, say his comments incited the crowd to storm the building while lawmakers were certifying Biden’s election

Kash Doll: Brat Mail

About Kash Doll and Me

NasaJPL, I dont know what she is going by at the moment but she is my post erika wife forever girlfriend surrounding that. The name I was given origionally was Vanessa Walker. We were little kids here from africa that got kidnapped and moved east. She is still in some sort of human trafficking situation. To me she is a really important person and as some of you know my energy towards those in [UpperUnix] administration know how i look up to you. Its isolated bc im learning from you. She is similar. But she has a lot of identities and worst case I want you guys to know i never did any fruad with her. But know thats whats required of her. The character Normani, looks like an attempt for the girls to substitute for each other bc i still get her confused with Erika when she has the LightComplexion bc they share similar features. Im also afraid bc she is ethiopian and i have not seen her dress traditionally in a long time… She still talkes to me, but she plays minecraft and communicates differnt from other girls

<img src=”,h_800,c_limit/Brat%20Mail%20Kash%20Doll.jpg” alt=”kash doll : Brat MAil />

Intro (Brat Mail) LyricS

Look, I be exploring the foreigns with more power than stars
On my new new shit, like my name is Rashaad
And my punchlines seasoned plenty minds like it's time
So, if he ever tell you he ain't feelin' me, he lying'
Shout out to me, all on BET
I'm a very rich chick, on my Nene Leakes
I'm a boss, every move gotta come through me
Murder broads in my minks
May they rest in peace
And I'm still the top chick
Any bitch think I drop dick get higher than Mariah
And she like a five octave
Stop it, please stop it
Blowing money
All in Neiman's in there Diddy bopping
And you know I came to murder it
My city watchin'
I'm so humble, I'ma front like I don't do this often
It's Kash Doll, bow down, and kiss the ring
Soon as this paperwork done
I'm touching everything
A murder scene

Yeah, that way
The doll way

The Lady In The Bottle I Dream Of Jeannie s1e1

Glamour Life In my belly im updatig even if i was wrong about plegerism i have to be realistic normani could have seduced me toget e away from california too! So im investigating what got me here waiting outside this porno cess pool, HollywoodFoodCo not normal, and i wonder what exactly active mission means? BC if im confused and being poisoned runing from here to there, ithink Jamie would let me know formerly that i was not a part of nasajpl in anyway bc #Jose_M_Pi ru that shit! an heeee say no! i should have been more humble about working from home… my wife is a slut so… there was a three year old, that family vaporized i wanna come back. I really wanna know if the Nasa SoundCloud Account is Real


PoAddix - Old Web Social Interfacing Concept




Pioneer 10 (originally designated Pioneer F) is a NASA space probe launched in 1972 that completed the first mission to the planet Jupiter.[6] moon # mars mars

Color mosaic of Mars’ south polar cap - Viking 2 Orbiter

Mosaic of Viking 2 Orbiter images of the south pole of Mars. The images used to make this picture were obtained during orbit 407 on 28 September 1977. The south pole is just below the center of the frame, at the lower right edge of the polar cap. The zero degree line of longitude is up. The cap is about 400 km across in this image, taken during southern winter. (Viking 2 Orbiter MG90S000-407B)

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter-Imaging Mars From Above - SPACEOPEDiA The MRO is a relatively large spacecraft that dwarfs the other Mars probes as it measures 6.5 m (21 feet) high with a width of 13.6 m (45 feet) and includes a large 3 m (10 feet) wide radio antenna dish! At launch, MRO weighed 2,180 kilograms (4,806 lb) (50% being onboard propellant) and was launched aboard the Atlas V rocket. NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover Finds Intriguing Organic Matter in Rock - CNET - Amanada KooseR Bullet With Butterfly Wings (Remastered 2012) · The Smashing Pumpkins

Dan Goldin, Administrator of N.A.S.A. Dan Goldin, Administrator of N.A.S.A. Dan Goldin, Administrator of N.A.S.A. Dan Goldin, Administrator of N.A.S.A. MRO BULLiTEN

Gullies on Mars Soundgarden - Outshined [Studio Version] Gullies on Mars

MarsReunification Martian Gothic - Unification (USA)

a track from Guilty Simpson & J Dilla’s unfinished album - MAnsWorld BERKELEY ERiKA CorMiEr Akire Akeevah Konnie Esther Kevin Leonard

Sunday Oct. 13 2024


I forgot what other lil girl at Dance411 was helpinmg me with this. But I have to track how im computing the news. A lot of ppl that Left Cults get mislead politically and sometimes endup in crime. NASAJPL human man, and this new SpaceforcE awareness makes me apt to share my views openly an that can help keep shit stable when them ppl lying. I wanted to test in_browser ruby programming that put standard out on the screen but i was too distracted with the #HollyWoodSessionJackiNGs The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA /ˈnæsə/)

Game Type · Intelligent Hoodlum WorkLog Kamala+EuropaClipper SpaceForce+nasa SpaceForceNasa SpaceForce WORKLOG LROC


Remarks by President Trump at Signing Ceremony for S.1790, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 Trump Signs Law Establishing U.S. Space Force


I have been researching SpaceForce and Twitter Follow in this speech said SpaceForce is the 6th branch of the US_GOVERNMENT Twitter Follow So i found this flickr stream with The insight Landing an Twitter Follow talking about money, an Twitter Follow is jumping for exotic levels of JOY on NASDAQ an i wanna know if we a scary company like SKYNET… And not the defense dept… ill keep reaserching bc in the old days we reported to Twitter Follow. President Trump signed S.1215 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 in 2019. That was the year Muna Died. So I am a Widower. but her sister was at this church in Hollywood, im scared man , i got set up for some shit and all them girls from the dance classes started vanishing around the landing of insight, i need to play a game to cool off

26 November 2018

InSight successfully landed on Mars on 26 November 2018. Due to excessive dust on its solar panels preventing it from recharging, NASA put InSight in low-power mode for detecting seismic events in July 2022 and continued monitoring the lander through the operational period ending in December 2022. InSignt inSight iNSiGHT NASDAQ_Logo_1971 iNsignt Insignt Shovel insight

inprogress add viking swatches

MARiNER STATUS BULLiTEN Dr. Carl Sagan, best known for his acclaimed public television series “Cosmos,” poses with a model of the Viking lander in Death Valley, Calif. Image credit: NASA READMORE at NASA.GOV


This is the first panoramic view ever returned from the surface of Mars. This view from Camera 2 on Viking 1 shows Chryse Planitia on 20 July 1976, shortly after Viking landed.




Mariner Missions to Mars

Between 1962 and 1973, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory designed and built 10 spacecraft named Mariner to explore the inner solar system – visiting the planets Venus, Mars. and Mercury for the first time, and returning to Venus and Mars for additional close observations.READMORE


Me_an_CoraL = DoubleTrouble_EAV


Atlanta Changing Atlanta

Jiah · College Daze
thakasErika · #holeToAnotherUniverse #WorkShirt

Gunsmith Cats Episode 1 1080p Subbed By Kenichi Sonoda -, Fair use, Link


Fire and Ice (1983 film) imdb

Red Earth / War-Zard (Euro 961121) Red Earth, released in Japan as Warzard (ウォーザード, Wōzādo),[1] is a fantasy-themed 2D fighting game released by Capcom as an arcade game in 1996. It was the first game for Capcom’s CP System III hardware,[2] the same hardware which Street Fighter III and its derivatives ran on.[3] After not being released on a home platform for 26 years, it was announced on February 20, 2022 that Red Earth would receive its first port as a part of the Capcom Fighting Collection on June 24, 2022 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.[4]


ReadMoreOnWikipedia Play WarZard

Magnum Photos

TRON imdb TronGame


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Martian Sunrise at Phoenix Landing Site, Sol 101

Large image

Great Red Spot Rotation

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Rashard(Thaka) Iman Kelly
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Thanks for SPaceforce Donald, Thanks for Protecting Oaklands girls like Erika so she still have her oakland grandchild re: constancia, bernadette

Rashard Kelly NasaJpl MRO JUNO iSS

Twitter Follow .github/workflows/ci.yaml Gem Version


Thumbnail of Rashard

Perservere PioNeer10

Pioneer 10 (originally designated Pioneer F) is a NASA space probe launched in 1972 that completed the first mission to the planet Jupiter.[6]


PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = “2006-07-24, R. Sharrow, initial; 2006-12-15, S. Slavney, reformatted & revised; 2007-07-30, S. Slavney, Aerobraking subphases” RECORD_TYPE = STREAM



Mission Overview ================

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft was launched from Cape
Canaveral Air Force Station on 12 August 2005 aboard a Lockheed-Martin
Atlas V-401 launch vehicle. After a five-month cruise and a two-month
approach to Mars, MRO entered Mars' orbit on 10 March 2006 and began
aerobraking.  The primary science phase began on 8 November, 2006. The
primary science phase is planned to last one Mars year (approximately two
Earth years), after which an extended mission may be scheduled. 

Note: This description has been written early in the Primary Science
Phase of the MRO mission. It will be revised at least once by the
end of the mission. 

Mission Phases ==============

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission is divided in time into six
phases: Launch, Cruise, Approach and Orbit Insertion, Aerobraking, 
Primary Science, and Relay.

  Launch extended from the start of the countdown to the initial 
  acquisition, by the DSN, of the orbiter in a safe and stable 
  The baseline launch vehicle for the MRO mission was the Lockheed-Martin
  Atlas V 401.  This launch vehicle was selected by NASA-KSC (Kennedy
  Space Flight Center) via a competitive procurement under the NASA 
  Launch Services (NLS) contract.  The Atlas V 401 was a two-stage 
  launch vehicle consisting of the Atlas Common Core Booster and a 
  single engine Centaur upper stage.  The Centaur upper stage could 
  perform multiple restarts of its main engine.  For precise pointing and 
  control during coast and powered flight, the Centaur used a flight 
  control system that was 3-axis stabilized. The Atlas large payload 
  fairing was used to protect MRO during the Atlas boost phase.  This 
  fairing had a diameter of 4.2m and a length of 12.2m.
  The launch and injection of MRO occured during the Mars opportunity
  of August 2005. The Atlas booster, in combination with the Centaur 
  upper stage, delivered the MRO spacecraft into a targeted parking 
  orbit. After a short coast, a restart of the Centaur upper stage 
  injected MRO onto an interplanetary transfer trajectory.  
  Mission Phase Start Time : 2005-08-12 
  Mission Phase Stop Time  : 2005-08-12

  Duration: About five months. The cruise phase extended from DSN
  initial acquisition, in a safe and stable configuration, until two
  months prior to the Mars Orbit Insertion (MOI) maneuver. Primary
  activities during cruise included spacecraft and payload checkout and
  calibration.  These activities, along with daily monitoring of orbiter
  subsystems, were performed in order to fully characterize the
  performance of the spacecraft and its payload prior to arrival at
  Mars.  In addition, standard navigation activities were performed
  during this flight phase, the first being the largest TCM performed
  fifteen days after launch.

  Mission Phase Start Time : 2005-08-12
  Mission Phase Stop Time  : 2006-01-10

  This phase extended from two months prior to Mars Orbit Insertion
  (MOI), through MOI, and until the orbiter was checked out and ready to
  begin aerobraking. The orbiter was inserted into a nearly polar orbit
  with a period of 35 hours.
  During the last sixty days of the interplanetary transit, spacecraft
  and ground activities were focused on the events necessary for a
  successful arrival and safe capture at Mars. Navigation techniques
  included the use of delta-DOR measurements in the orbit determination.
  This technique yielded a precise determination of the inbound
  trajectory with a series of final TCMs used to control the flight path
  of the spacecraft up to the MOI maneuver.
  Also during the approach phase, MRO performed the Optical Navigation
  experiment.  This involved pointing the optical navigation camera
  (ONC) at the moons of Mars - Phobos and Deimos, and tracking their
  motion. By comparing the observed position of the moons to their
  predicted positions, relative to the background stars, the ground was
  able to accurately determine the position of the orbiter.
  Upon arrival at Mars on March 10, 2006, the spacecraft performed its
  MOI maneuver using its six main engines.  MOI inserted the spacecraft
  into an initial, highly elliptical capture orbit.  The delta-V
  required to accomplish this critical maneuver was 1015 m/s and took
  about 26 minutes to complete. For most of the burn, the orbiter was
  visible from the DSN stations.  The signal was occulted as the orbiter
  went behind Mars, and appeared again a short time later. The reference
  MRO capture orbit had a period of 35 hours and a periapsis altitude of
  300km.  The orientation of the ascending node was 8:30 PM LMST.  The
  capture orbit was been selected such that aerobraking would be
  completed prior to the start of solar conjunction (September 23,

  Mission Phase Start Time : 2006-01-10
  Mission Phase Stop Time  : 2006-03-10

  The Aerobraking Phase of the mission consisted of three sub-phases, 
  Aerobraking Operations, Transition to PSO Operations, and Solar 
  Aerobraking Operations Sub-Phase 
  One week after MOI, aerobraking operations commenced.  During this
  time period, the orbiter used aerobraking techniques to supplement its
  onboard propulsive capability and to reduce its orbit period to that
  necessary for the primary science orbit (PSO).  Aerobraking Operations
  consisted of a walk-in phase, a main phase, and a walkout phase, and  
  was followed by a transition to the PSO.  During the walk-in phase, the
  spacecraft established initial contact with the atmosphere as the 
  periapsis altitude of the orbit was slowly lowered.  The walk-in phase 
  continued until the dynamic pressures and heating rate values required 
  for main phase, or steady state aerobraking, were established.  During 
  the main phase of aerobraking operations, large scale orbit period 
  reduction occurred as the orbiter was guided to dynamic pressure 
  limits. Main phase aerobraking continued until the orbit lifetime of 
  the orbiter reached 2 days.  (Orbit lifetime is defined as the time it 
  takes the apoapsis altitude of the orbit to decay to an altitude of 
  300km.)  When the orbit lifetime of the orbiter reached 2 days, the 
  walkout phase of aerobraking operations began.  During the walkout 
  phase, the periapsis altitude of the orbit was slowly increased as the 
  2 day orbit lifetime of the orbiter was maintained.  Once the orbit of 
  the orbiter reached an apoapsis altitude of 450km, the orbiter 
  terminated aerobraking by propulsively raising the periapsis of its 
  orbit out of the atmosphere.
  Because the PSO had nodal orientation requirements, the aerobraking
  phase of the MRO mission had to proceed in a timely manner and be
  completed near the time the desired nodal geometry was achieved. After
  approximately 4.5 months of aerobraking, the dynamic pressure control
  limits were reset such that the orbiter will fly to the desired 3:00
  pm LMST nodal target. 
  Transition to PSO Operations Sub-Phase
  Once the orbit apoapsis altitude was reduced to 450 km, the orbiter
  terminated aerobraking by raising periapsis to a safe altitude and
  begin a transition to the Primary Science Phase.  The periapsis of 
  the transition orbit rotated around Mars from over the equatorial 
  latitudes to the North Pole.  When periapsis reached the North Pole, 
  apoapsis was reduced propulsively to 255 km and orbit rotation stopped 
  - the orbit was frozen with periapsis over the South Pole and apoapsis 
  over the North Pole.  The SHARAD antenna and the CRISM cover were 
  deployed, the instruments were checked out and remaining calibrations 
  were performed.  The payloads collected data in their normal operating 
  modes to ensure that the end-to-end data collection and processing 
  systems worked as planned.  
  Solar Conjuction Sub-Phase
  Orbiter activities in preparation for science were then temporarily 
  suspended during a four week period surrounding solar conjunction.

  Mission Phase Start Time : 2006-03-17
  Mission Phase Stop Time  : 2006-11-07

  Aerobraking Operations Sub-Phase Start Time: 2006-03-17
  Aerobraking Operations Sub-Phase Stop Time: 2006-09-15
  Transition to PSO Operations Sub-Phase Start Time: 2006-09-15
  Transition to PSO Operations Sub-Phase Stop Time: 2006-10-09
  Solar Conjunction Sub-Phase Start Time: 2006-10-09
  Solar Conjunction Sub-Phase Stop Time: 2006-11-07

  The 255 x 320 km Primary Science Orbit (PSO) is a near-polar orbit
  with periapsis frozen over the South Pole.  It is sun-synchronous with
  an ascending node orientation that provides a Local Mean Solar Time
  (LMST) of 3:00 p.m. at the equator.  Because of the eccentricity of
  the Mars orbit around the Sun, true solar time varies by nearly 45
  minutes over the course of one Mars year.
  The Primary Science Phase of the mission began after solar conjunction
  and after turn-on and checkout of the science instruments in the
  Primary Science Orbit.  The phase started on 8 November 2006, will
  extend for one Mars year, and will conclude prior the next solar
  conjunction near the end of 2008.
  The science investigations are functionally divided into daily global
  mapping and profiling, regional survey, and globally distributed
  targeting investigations.  The global mapping instruments are the MCS
  and the MARCI.  The targeted investigations are HiRISE, CRISM, and
  CTX. The survey investigations are CRISM and CTX (in survey modes),
  and SHARAD.  The global mapping instruments require nadir pointing,
  low data rate, and continuous or near-continuous operations.  The
  global mapping investigations are expected to use less than 5% of the
  expected downlink data volume.  The targeted and survey instruments
  are high data rate instruments and will require precise targeting in
  along-track timing and/or cross-track pointing for short periods of
  time over selected portions of the surface.  It is expected that more
  than 95% of the available downlink data volume will be used for
  targeted and survey investigations. All instruments can take data
  Toward the end of the primary science phase, other Mars missions
  launched in the 2007 opportunity will begin to arrive. Phoenix, the
  first of the Mars Program's Scout missions has been selected to launch
  in the 2007 Mars opportunity. Phoenix, a lander mission that will
  collect and analyze subsurface ice and soil material, will arrive in
  late May 2008. Phoenix will need MRO to characterize its prime landing
  site choices early in the Primary Science Phase. MRO will provide
  relay support for Entry, Descent, and Landing (EDL) activities and for
  telecommunications late in the PSP after Phoenix arrives at Mars.
  Phoenix and MRO will also coordinate some observations to maximize
  science return to the Mars Exploration Program. Another mission, the
  Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) is currently proposed for launch in
  2009, with arrival in 2010, during the MRO Relay Phase.
  MSL will need MRO to provide and characterize candidate landing sites
  using observations taken during the MRO PSP. (Final certification of
  the prime MSL landing sites may require limited observations by the
  science payload in 2009 during the Relay phase. However, this has not
  been committed to by MRO) MRO will also provide EDL support and relay
  telecommunications for MSL. During the primary science phase, periodic
  instrument calibrations will be performed to verify the measurement
  characteristics, stability and health of the instruments. At the
  conclusion of the Primary Science Phase, these calibrations will be
  repeated, so that the final instrument characteristics are known.
  NASA may approve, as resources and on-orbit capability permit,
  continuation of science observations beyond the Primary Science Phase
  until end of the Relay Phase (also End of Mission).  The orbiter will
  remain in the Primary Science Orbit during the Relay Phase.

  Mission Phase Start Time : 2006-11-08
  Mission Phase Stop Time  : 2008-11-09

  MRO will provide critical relay support to missions launched as part
  of the Mars Exploration Program after MRO.  For spacecraft launched in
  the 2007 opportunity, this relay support will occur before the end of
  the MRO Primary Science Phase.   Following completion of the Primary
  Science Phase, MRO will continue to provide critical relay support for
  Mars missions until its end of mission.
  While all of the missions that MRO will support have not yet been
  selected, Phoenix, the first of the Mars Program's Scout missions has
  been selected to launch in the 2007 Mars opportunity.  Phoenix, a
  lander mission that will collect and analyze soil samples, will arrive
  in late May 2008.  It will need science imaging support for site
  characterization and selection and relay support for its Entry,
  Descent and Landing activities and for its science data return. 
  Another mission, the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) is proposed for the
  2009 Mars opportunity.  MSL will also need science imaging support for
  site characterization and selection and relay support for EDL and
  science data return.  The MRO Mission Plan describes the generic
  support activities for any mission as well as current early planning
  in support of Phoenix and MSL.  Activities regarding site
  characterization and selection will be described as part of the
  Primary Science Phase, and activities regarding relay support will be
  described as part of the Relay Phase.
  The orbiter has been designed to carry enough propellant to remain
  operational for 5 years beyond the end-of-mission (EOM) on December
  31, 2010 to support future MEP missions.  As this is beyond the EOM,
  no activities have been planned for this time period.  To ensure that
  the orbiter remains in a viable orbit during this time, its orbit
  altitude will be increased at EOM to about 20 km inside the orbit of
  the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.
  The MRO approach to planetary protection differs from any previous
  Mars orbiter.  The NASA requirements for planetary protection,
  NPG8020.12B, allow a class III mission, like MRO, to use either the
  'probability of impact/orbit lifetime' or a 'total bio burden'
  approach.  Implementing the Level 1 MRO requirements with the
  instruments selected via the NASA AO requires low orbits whose
  lifetimes are incompatible with a 'probability of impact/orbit
  lifetime' approach to Planetary Protection.  Therefore, MRO is
  implementing the requirements of NPG8020.12B using the 'total
  bio-burden' approach.  This approach has been documented in the MRO
  Planetary Protection Plan (D-23711). The details of cleaning
  requirements are documented in the MRO Planetary Protection
  Implementation Plan, MRO 212-11, JPL D-22688. The MRO launch targets
  will be biased away from a direct intercept course with Mars to ensure
  a less than 1 in 10,000 chance of the launch vehicle upper stage
  entering Mars atmosphere.
  The End-of-Mission (EOM) is planned for December 31, 2010 just prior
  to the third solar conjunction of the mission.  The orbiter will
  perform a propulsive maneuver to place itself in a higher orbit to
  increase the orbit lifetime and enable extended mission operations.
  Mission Phase Start Time : 2008-11-09
  Mission Phase Stop Time  : 2010-12-31   "

The driving theme of the Mars Exploration Program is to understand the role of water on Mars and its implications for possible past or current biological activity. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Project will pursue this ‘Follow-the-Water’ strategy by conducting remote sensing observations that return sets of globally distributed data that will: 1) advance our understanding of the current Mars climate, the processes that have formed and modified the surface of the planet, and the extent to which water has played a role in surface processes; 2) identify sites of possible aqueous activity indicating environments that may have been or are conducive to biological activity; and 3) thus identify and characterize sites for future landed missions.

The MRO payload is designed to conduct remote sensing science observations, identify and characterize sites for future landers, and provide critical telecom/navigation relay capability for follow-on missions. The mission will provide global, regional survey, and targeted observations from a low 255 km by 320 km Mars orbit with a 3:00 P.M. local mean solar time (ascending node). During the one Martian year (687 Earth days) primary science phase, the orbiter will acquire visual and near-infrared high-resolution images of the planet’s surface, monitor atmospheric weather and climate, and search the upper crust for evidence of water. After this science phase is completed, the orbiter will provide telecommunications support for spacecraft launched to Mars in the 2007 and 2009 opportunities. The primary mission will end on December 31, 2010, approximately 5.5 years after launch.

Science Questions Addressed —————————

The MRO mission has the primary objective of placing a science orbiter
into Mars orbit to perform remote sensing investigations that will
characterize the surface, subsurface and atmosphere of the planet and
will identify potential landing sites for future missions.  The MRO
payload will conduct observations in many parts of the electromagnetic
spectrum, including ultraviolet and visible imaging, visible to
near-infrared imaging spectrometry, thermal infrared atmospheric
profiling, and radar subsurface sounding, at spatial resolutions
substantially better than any preceding Mars orbiter.  In pursuit of
its science objectives, the MRO mission will:

- Characterize Mars' seasonal cycles and diurnal variations of water,
  dust, and carbon dioxide.
- Characterize Mars' global atmospheric structure, transport, and 
  surface changes.
- Search sites for evidence of aqueous and/or hydrothermal activity.
- Observe and characterize the detailed stratigraphy, geologic 
  structure, and composition of Mars surface features.
- Probe the near-surface Martian crust to detect subsurface structure, 
  including layering and potential reservoirs of water and/or water ice.
- Characterize the Martian gravity field in greater detail relative to 
  previous Mars missions to improve knowledge of the Martian crust and 
  lithosphere and potentially of atmospheric mass variation.
- Identify and characterize numerous globally distributed landing sites 
  with a high potential for scientific discovery by future missions.

In addition, MRO will provide critical telecommunications relay
capability for follow-on missions and will conduct, on a
non-interference basis with the primary mission science, telecom and
navigation demonstrations in support of future Mars Exploration
Program (MEP) activities.  Specifically, the MRO mission will:

- Provide navigation and data relay support services to future MEP
- Demonstrate Optical Navigation techniques for high precision delivery 
  of future landed missions.
- Perform an operational demonstration of high data rate Ka-band 
  telecommunications and navigation services.

Designed to operate after launch for at least 5.4 years, the MRO
orbiter will use a new spacecraft bus design provided by Lockheed
Martin Space Systems Company, Space Exploration Systems Division in
Denver, Colorado.  The orbiter payload will consist of six science
instruments and three new engineering payload elements listed as

Science Instruments
- HiRISE, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment 
- CRISM, Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars
- MCS, Mars Climate Sounder
- MARCI, Mars Color Imager
- CTX, Context Camera
- SHARAD, Shallow (Subsurface) Radar

Engineering Payloads
- Electra UHF communications and navigation package
- Optical Navigation (Camera) Experiment
- Ka Band Telecommunication Experiment

To fulfill the mission science goals, seven scientific investigations
teams were selected by NASA.  Four teams (MARCI, MCS, HiRISE, and
CRISM) are led by Principal Investigators (PI), each responsible for
the provision and operation of a scientific instrument and the
analysis of its data.  The MARCI PI and Science Team also act to
provide and operate, as Team Leader (TL) and Team Members, the CTX
facility instrument that will provide context imaging for HiRISE and
CRISM, as well as acquire and analyze independent data in support of
the MRO scientific objectives.  The Italian Space Agency (ASI) will
provide a second facility instrument, SHARAD, for flight on MRO.  ASI
and NASA have both selected members of the SHARAD investigation team. 
In addition to the instrument investigations, Gravity Science and
Atmospheric Structure Facility Investigation Teams will use data from
the spacecraft telecommunications and accelerometers, respectively, to
conduct scientific investigations. 

The MRO shall accomplish its science objectives by conducting an
integrated program of three distinct observational modes:

- Daily global mapping and profiling observations
- Regional survey observations, and 
- Globally distributed, targeted observations

These observation modes will be intermixed and often overlapping. 
Some instruments have more than one observational mode.  In addition,
many targeted observations will involve nearly simultaneous,
coordinated observations by more than one instrument.  This program of
scientific observation will be carried out for one Mars year or more
in order to characterize the full seasonal variation of the Martian
climate and to target hundreds of globally distributed sites with high
potential for further scientific discovery. 

Mission Success Criteria ————————

The following mission success criteria have been established for the
MRO Project. The mission success criteria are described and controlled
in the MRO Project Implementation Plan.

For Full Mission Success, the following criteria must be met: 

- Operate the orbiter and all six (6) science instruments in the
Primary Science Orbit in targeting, survey and mapping modes, as
appropriate, over the one Mars year of the Primary Science Phase;
conduct the gravity and accelerometer investigations. Each science
instrument shall have capabilities that meet or exceed their
respective science instrument requirements.

- Return, over the one-Mars-year Primary Science Phase, representative
data sets for each instrument for a total science data volume return
of 26 Tbits or more. Included in the returned data volume shall be
information describing hundreds of globally distributed targets.

- Process, analyze, interpret, and release data in a timely manner,
including archival of acquired data and standard data products in the
PDS within 6 months of acquisition or as negotiated in the Science
Data Management Plan (JPL D22218).

- Conduct relay operations for U.S. spacecraft launched to Mars in the
2007 and 2009 opportunities.

For Minimum Mission Success, the following criteria must be met:

- Operate the orbiter and its science payload in targeting, survey and
mapping modes, as appropriate, in the Primary Science Orbit during the
one-Mars-year of the Primary Science Phase; conduct gravity and
accelerometer investigations. Science instruments shall have
capabilities that meet their respective science instrument

- Return 10 Tbits of science data from HiRISE or CRISM or from their
combined operations, plus 5 Tbits of representative science data over
the one-Mars-year Primary Science Phase from at least 3 of the 4 other
instruments (CTX, MARCI, MCS, SHARAD); conduct gravity and
accelerometer investigations. Included in the returned data volumes
shall be information describing 100 or more globally distributed

- Process, analyze, interpret, and release data in a timely manner,
including archival of acquired data and standard data products in the

- Conduct relay operations for U.S. spacecraft launched to Mars in the
2007 and 2009 opportunities.    "






The Apple IIe (styled as Apple //e) is the third model in the Apple II series of personal computers produced by Apple Computer. It was released in January 1983


JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory - La Cañada Flintridge

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