

Cydonia to Watts?

Dear Nicky,

I skipped ahead… I was sitting in Saint_Francis and i felt insecure, u know people are funny about Mars Research, The Metaphysics have abused ppl sexualy for years. I love how the images remove the fear that i am being strange. So The Draw Of Cydonia you describe the Design of the Tesla Coil , well not the design, but you mention Wardenclyff Tower which look like Dalek kinda… i might be looking up the wrong thing but the structure is reminicent of the Watts Towers in Los Angeles County 33°56′19.46″N 118°14′27.77″W While iot may be my DNS everything i find about them is that its an Art installations… "Wireless Radio Station" thats what got my attention! I have been getting online relationships organized and Normani is learning about the Facility. I have to get her clean from all that fraud working at MagicCity that place is such a burden. Anyway since u mention Wardenclyff Tower I want to talk to someone at work but they dont know alot but everything. I hate that they use vendor supplies, we should be all solaris if we wanna mason that shit, freebsd if we wanna tribal that shit

this is an old post

I was at Griffith and took some video Flikr Tourist style with my peice of shit ObamaPhone but the shits work, maybe watts towers was delivering wireless energy! Ile Los Angeles Electric Avenue has deeper meaning than we think. I know u get hit with Electronic Weapons but check it out the old Batman, its on the homepage but u can have all the files and its based in losangeles and the criminals fight with tasers this is the 1940s, what did Retail disrupt ?

Tesla Coils at Griffith Observatory video

Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit designed by inventor Nikola Tesla in 1891.[1] It is used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high-frequency alternating-current electricity.[2][3] Tesla experimented with a number of different configurations consisting of two, or sometimes three, coupled resonant electric circuits.

Watts Towers FreeBSD ORACLE SunMicroSystems

The Draw Of Cydonia 4thRockFromTheSun


BrownBag https://x.com/thakasartu/status/1829935981501596100

Im getting hacked a lot and really need to find a strategfy to get offline music. There is some sort of hiphop movement in hollywood that hit the nation via some of the older ppl playlist and They dont know what context the sex or violence occurd and they hurting people for listening to the music and catchin the vibe. “You gotta take that shit from them, they cant get that vibe.” Its all about how they feel inside when they take selfies…

Tesla Coils

Twin of NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover Begins Terrain Tests


Jamie, I am getting confused. The person that put me down is a firefighter too and put me down there. Is there like some sort of equipment Flow Control? Bc Optimism… I cant remember but I know He is going to talk to me soon, and I need to be ready Ms Bass! Updated with new features, including additional mobility software and the bulk of the sample caching system, the twin of NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover arrives at JPL’s Mars Yard garage on Oct. 29, 2021. Called OPTIMISM, the vehicle is used for testing commands before they are sent to Mars.

KarenBassPicturedAngry KarenBassPicturedSick



Code Refactoring

Good Afternoon MRO. Dear Chris, i know you were a Mori Person as well but older and i was brought on like TekSystems so i was mision right away. I remember ppl were talking about using Salt for configuration Management and there is the inhouse system. I mean it all seems attached to the Netapp and that Refurb that happened in the Mission Control Datacenter. I was Told there was cracks in the floor and i thought you all were Mean military people. I was in my head lashing out at my marriage and religious way of life collapsing and worried aobut being chased off. Thanks. BTW i did not recall the rover is Nuclear Powered!

I really enjoyed this section from Steve Lindstorm

CSS Refactoring

CSS Refactoring

CSS Refactoring

CSS Refactoring

Now i dont know what standards exist if any but this is the type of information i shared with the girls my age from Dance411. The problem is they was teaching a lot of criiminal men and they infiltrated corporate and really hurt atlanta. I was talking to her independantyly and teaching her middleware bc thats where she was getting knixed online. The thing is with the Striptease they have to balance functioning in the daytime affter a nighttime kidnapping and rape. Im not saying every guy that has been in her company is bad. But she has been asking me for a child for about 5 years now. Im afraid and bleeding. normani

CSS Refactoring

CSS Definitive Guide Animation

About RicoThaka’s Animated Opening!

Normani, how you doing. I am still getting hurt. But I hope you noticed the changes i made to ricothaka.github.io. Its like that array of divs, i took interest to animate them,. it gives a good feeling of a loading bar and something assembling. I want to simulate glass healing but for now i just found an amaazing key to help add variety. This table is super hard to comeby online. Or maybe its just my DNS. I know we deeper. The enemies are more into applying pain. Do you have any suggestions? IM still shaken after that girl pul that weapon on me. issadrop

CSS Definitive Guide Animation

CSS Definitive Guide Animation



I went to lapl central yesterday. I was able to blend in with a crowd of other carts. But today the security gaurd would not let me in! I wanted to work on this book! I learned about lseek and while i got knocked offline android wise after that armed robbery at city hall by the gunman in the playboy back pack. I was learning ffmpeg. I dont understand the concept of what a stream is at its most basic level yet. except that its a file! So if lseek can let you write directly to a disk theres a possibility i will never miss a flyby with the right android

Chapter 16: Encounter

Flyby Operations

All the interplanetary navigation and course corrections accomplished during cruise result in placement of the spacecraft at precisely the correct point, and at the correct time to carry out its encounter observations. A flyby spacecraft has a limited opportunity to gather data. Once it has flown by its target, it cannot return to recover any lost data.ReadMore Basics of Spaceflight

Linux Hardening in Hostile Environments


JAmie Robin you guys know i have had multplle run ins with Private Security on my way to work in this era. Prosecution… This book disturbed me at a level bc We need to get a hold on all these courts at least locally in los angeles, I dont know where they will take me and ppl brandish weapons towars me. Normani has been Bullied for years. She was in a Group Called Fifth Harmony. Like Shopping mall music. Normani told me she took the lead in writing this song WFH-Work From Home. I dont know where we were romantically but since they are in the StripTease media i got a lot of hate from TAOS during a Pearson Datacenter Migration! “You are having too much fun!” I started Doing the Stand up meetin on my back deck and They said you are having too much fun and Fired me. I was just trying to earn money to come back to Los Angles. About the song since she was at Dance411 the modeing people like gucci tom ford them type of ppl always took over her shoots so its not an IT work from home theme its contruction bc guess what. The Bethalites had to dance with the sisters. I got hurt man!

Linux Hardening in Hostile Environments

Anyway im Trying to let you know that since the girls are popular in the adult night life scene im constantly robbed and made to bleed at this point via soft ammo arsnic or anthrax pepper rounds. That may be a for of prosecution for wsomething as simple as downloading an mp3 from archive.org that they dont know is public domain bc the artist has such a reach on the street. ex NickiMinaj.

Linux Hardening in Hostile Environments

Advanced Unix Programming

Advanced Unix Programming

Advanced Unix Programming

Advanced Unix Programming

Advanced Unix Programming

Advanced Unix Programming

Dear_Robin Obrien MRO

Hi iTsRashard I wanted you to know i am finally comprenhending geology and weather, Nicky Jenner book helped me revisit the face and the pyramid but after that huge duststomrm its not recognizable. B ut I want the exact coordinates so im going to explore. It may help my family be more supportive. It looks like a face! But thats a lot of DustStorms and I have a long time b4 i can comprehend the xray cameras… Im stdying.

Face On Mars Features Eroded

Those girls i met in atlanta are in trouble. Im bleeding from prostitution punishments. Its crime so even if i know like nothing Changes, I work for nasajpl. There is a criminal cult from the east that makes them twerk and have sex on this thing called the HoStroll thats a lot of my problems, i made a commitment to talk to her online, she got kidnapped. But she will be on big tv shows in hollywood like Saturday night live. The one i eye to eye started a relationship with in Atlanta at Muna Ahmed funeral was going by Sartu and i KNow her from my childhood but she got a lot of identities and some criminal twitter accounts Ego Nwodim thats a name i need to explore. You a woman so i dont mind sharing Normani and Cardi B - WildSide they were always doing things to draw closer in Atlanta but both got ties to playboy and im really getting hurt! And they set up sex partners that have similar body characteristics to me and hobbies and position them to walk by on my daily route. This has been going on for years. Now im bleeding La Prostitution



Mariner 9 was launched on a 398 million km direct ascent trajectory to Mars by an Atlas-Centaur SLV-3C booster Mars as seen from Mariner9

Mars as seen from Mariner9


The Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft was placed into Mars orbit on September 11, 1997 MGS



Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)

Since the early 1960s, the collective space agencies of the world have launched over 50 missions to the distant world the Romans named after their deity of war, and one of those missions – NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) – is in its 14th year of ground-breaking study above Mars.ReadMore MRO Ice

CuriosityOnMArs martianLandscape

screen homegirl itsRashardAKATHAKA Coral CAssini love Love LOVER MoonLover SaveRLover erika muna

Muna .github/workflows/ci.yaml

Coral NormaniMyWifeVanessa