identifying myself for HildaSolis @spacex application @nasa-jpl
iDentifying myself on Twitter / x for @cityoflosangeles @whitehouse @nasa RepMaxineWaters
Architecture overview
The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) is publicly available and modifiable Android source code. Anyone can download and modify AOSP for their device. AOSP provides a complete and fully functional implementation of the Android mobile platform.
The Fairphone 2 is reborn… as a circular microcomputer
Fairphone 3 Modularity
Fairphone - FLiCKr
Using CSS transitions
A common use of CSS is to highlight items in a menu as the user hovers the mouse cursor over them. It's easy to use transitions to make the effect even more attractive.
@nasa-jpl im working on containers please play with this one its the secondary nav on every page CodePen - https://codepen.io/ricoThaka/pen/PwodVXw YAML_Twt @blackgirlscode c7
Captains Window with the Moon Background Related Tweet @iss_research flyover

https://t.co/RgZkU9RcH8 #gm #iloveyall @ChapelHillES1 @DeKalbCountyPD @DeKalbSchools @BOEAPS @parksideaps -#CoralsDad @ArcadiaPD @ALDLASD @CAL_FIRE @NASAJPL @LACityView35 +#council ~ pic.twitter.com/cZY3A9P5Nm
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) February 11, 2025
https://t.co/dS7wX4m5Xf @nasajpl #abtNormani #overtime @OSHA_DOL ~> @enews @BlackGirlsCode save it for me @theestallion #TiNASNOWLOVEWiNDOZE @LaurieofMars . pic.twitter.com/0CAe5FCQTb
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) February 11, 2025
https://t.co/3nslDacaAI #browsingtheTextInternet #LYNX #GNU @Normani #iloveu💯💨👍 pic.twitter.com/XQH7iuX09I
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) February 20, 2025
Emulation on Android using RetroArch
The Durant_Library garbagepail find
I got really comfortable coding and making github commits to the point i never felt offline. A guy was wierdly waiting for the power outlet at Grand Molina park in downtown los angeles, and i really think he put me to sleep and stole it. I completed an episode of Johnny Quest and left satisfied as my phone hit 100%. Judging by his air he know ppl from magic at the very least bc he had very little respect asking if both outlets were being used. I woke up it was gonr, my backpack was stolen today. Im so confused in so many directions bc since the body is made up of mostly water its a big old magnet! So the object you carry hold magnitism like your own. ITs not as bad as losing my daughter, but i get the displacement when her mother started having sex with other men. We had trouble walking, its like the ground was moving at times, When this phone got stolen I experianced those feelings again so I know me an my child had a good charge. I miss her so much. Imma leave some #MemorialTweets It was a good phone
Dam Map!
LOTR BeggingNormaniForAttention
Dungeoons an Dragons by Capcom
NAsa FiRMS: FireSensingData
Windows 2/3.1/95/
I had a good time growing with Windows95 on #RetroArch I played with fonts an learning how to actually use a handheld computer more capable than a Newton
PlayStation 1995
Was really pleasant and calming bc it ran perfectly and i had my old library in my pocket! That part was amazing!
sf3 was arcade perfect, wish i could t
I made it to gill Related
Reading Documentation
I did not do much Technical reading from howto books, but work pdfs man that was amazing as well! @nasa @nasa-jpl @blackgirlscode
RelatedTwt NORMANi STARWARS Episode1 Racer
GLSL SHaders
Hi MRO, want you to have an update on what my computing situation has been since Jose took my laptop back. Im in the library system but they wont let me have free access to a computer. Its connected to my spouse’s prostitution and porno. In Santa Monica Porn is filmed at the library at times. The security gaurds told me I need an ID to come in! This is the Santa Monica Public Library! and the resulting gossip among security gaurds about me having #Normani_aka_SartuAdem nudes on my cellphone! It was a gift! Im grown and i did not do it on library wifi! There is a law on it i found online. Its filtered now, but i want to know where i stand bc I was attending a dance studio with girls my age and i have been in datacenters most of my life, porn is the channel most ppl in my demographic communicate via to talk to people in the physical world. It causes a lot of hormonal problems and i am a really healthy male. Coral is strong even after the NiCU. Anyway the computers i had accquired got stolen in various ways so there is a big chunck of time i am not building on a Desktop. I promised I would grow as a Sun Admin and while i was without a computer i got turned on to TErmux and leared a lot of cool configurations to do common programming tasks and it even effected my webdesign, i started building on github and what is now my homepage was a fullpage scrolling design like i was seeing life differently. Check out the screenshots below the Termux demo and see my #PocketPC thats what i call Android now…
Its just a Personal Computer
There is such an abstraction when running the manufacure bundeld android. But its normal PC architechture in a small ass package! The Following video is a screenshare of me using Android for abt a half hour on a severley disabled cellphone. No root just termux + fdroid
https://t.co/gbOEIWOP7m @hot1079atl #jammin @normani. especially #atwork @usdol @KamalaHarris @ISS_Research #x pic.twitter.com/pkbIempRaF
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) February 15, 2025
What is F-Droid?
A Software Repo!
F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device.
The concept of what a Handheld is is greatly challenged with the virtualization options on the platform! The games played really well under Lemuroid and RetroArch there are a lot of what they refer to as CORES which is simply a vmdk in corporate talk a container and it will run 8-bit programs! The potential is limitless for us not being tied to an office. The Municipal Law Enforcement Guys appear advanced at this outside of Fare Enforcement!
here is a few useful core i was reminded of in a reddit post
- DOSBox, an x86 emulator with DOS a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox has already been ported to many different platforms, such as Windows, BeOS, Linux, MacOS X…
DOSBox also emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected mode, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics, a SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound card for excellent sound compatibility with older games…
You can “re-live” the good old days with the help of DOSBox, it can run plenty of the old classics that don’t run on your new computer!
DOSBox is totally free of charge and Open Source. ReadMore DOWNLOAD Classic Dos Games
here is a DosBox example. Its SuperStreetFighter2Turbo ed.!, I had Flashback going, but the entertainment nazi’s my significant other is controlled by broke it, idk if anyone can run it from abandonware
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (dos)
The Oregon Trail
by Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium most commonly known as MECC, was an organization founded in 1973 best known for developing the edutainment video game series The Oregon Trail and its spinoffs.
Marvel Super Heroes (Euro 951024) _ Capcom Play At The internet Arcade <(‘’<) <( ‘ ‘ )> (> ‘’)>
Sun, 30 Mar 2025 22:54:34 +0000 30th March 2025
<(‘’<) <( ‘ ‘ )> (> ‘’)>
SZA - Sos Full Album
I listened to Ctrl and understand a lot more about black adolescent emotions, i saw u in Hollywood, after looking past the grey i realize im not that old! I dont know what i told you in Atlanta, but im not a person to leave loose strings, i may not even be important enough to you to be mentioned. Either way, i asked you for girlfriend advice and your album delivered again, thanks. im more at peace being single(ish) I dont want to talk about Normani bc im still scared thats you, i had a bedroom bandit that was going to the studio, she bonded like a step mother and coral would continue sleeping whenever she came over, or she put yquil in her lunch at Parkside. I was not given foodstamps back then so me an coral got skinny, so i may have all these relationships in my head with the pretty girls from up the street. At the very least im your fan…
Gullies on Mars
Bright Gully Deposits on Mars
Ella Mai::Not Another Love Song
@Fletchers_Place #madden or #tekken for @karenbassla #hospitality ? @ChapelHillES1 @BOEAPS @100BlackMenLA @LAParentMag * @tip @normani @TinyMajorMama * pic.twitter.com/1GvoV5uPyU
— BubbleGumPop (@BubbleGumPop510) January 27, 2025
I dont know what im going to do with this repo, bc now i understand Jekyll Theming its way too much overhead to maintain using LibraryResources
Related Tweet @blackgirlscode is that @normani @nasa
OldLEtter possibly 3 months old
Help:Introduction to editing with Wiki Markup/1Wikipedia Editing Tutorial - Video The markup language called wikitext, also known as wiki markup or wikicode, consists of the syntax and keywords used by the MediaWiki software to format a page. (Note the lowercase spelling of these terms.[a]) To learn how to see this hypertext markup, The basics of MediaWiki Creating, Editing, Discussing Pages Working with the syntax text formatting WikiText
Normani, I dont know what to do to upgrade but the way our pens look on CodePen is easily achivable in Jekyll and stack the shits check out Ansterdam Chemistry Innovation Day idk what the backend looks like, but that sectioal look is what came from MarkDown Includes and its emulated in html but \ One Page Layouts can be seen as a stackof lego bricks that talk to each other either informationally or dynaically via some interactive programming of some sort
The include tag allows you to include the content from another file stored in the _includes folder:
Ed Tutorial on the dev site
Discovering ed: the gnu editor
An Interactive Guide to CSS Grid - https://www.joshwcomeau.com/ The guide from Josh looks amazing, i see where im headed graphically, u really need solid structure to care abt abt looks at that level… things take time i love that site csszenGarden Wiki - CssZenGarden CSS_Grid SPEC
Jekyll: including a post inside another post Animating Border - CSS
Using BASH ::
The –posix option caught my attention this morning. I wonder how it will effect my approach to The Unix Programming Environment… I think i can make bash.md and start chronicling my growth with the shell. It was my first shell. it came bundled with the RRedHat Linux Version then carried by BestBuy. Fedora Core 1 at Tuscon Unified School District was my first professional jesture at using bash. I always knew that to be a good linux user at work, i have to use it as my primary desktop. Tgat was the settinbg of the time. Windows was important because of the Authentication Schemes you needed to login. How can i do both? in that era DualBoot. Today it dont matter as much bc most hardware you put your hands on has multithreading and virtualization extensions enabled by default.
object-fit The object-fit CSS property sets how the content of a replaced element, such as an
Design for different form factors
The design of your app’s UI isn’t tied to a particular device form factor. Android applications need to adapt to a number of different types of devices, from 4-inch handsets to 50-inch TVs to ChromeOS devices with resizable windows. readmore - developer.android.com
FLexBox - flex-direction , Im working on the main container for HoletoAnotherUniverse - /ricothaka thats the old compared to the new
Places to Telnet - TELNET.ORG
TELNETDiR - https://victoria.tc.ca/history/internet/telnet-sites.html - BLOCKED at LAPL
What are your favorite Telnet sites (Besides Fozz’s) - REDDiT r/retrobattlestations/
RSS EmbedCode
gfortran — the GNU Fortran compiler, part of GCC Gfortran is the name of the GNU Fortran project, developing a free Fortran 95/2003/2008/2018 compiler for GCC
! Welcome to GDB Online.
! GDB online is an online compiler and debugger tool for C, C++, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, Perl,
! C#, OCaml, VB, Swift, Pascal, Fortran, Haskell, Objective-C, Assembly, HTML, CSS, JS, SQLite, Prolog.
! Code, Compile, Run and Debug online from anywhere in world.
Program Hello
!Print *, "Hello World
!End Program Hello
!program hello
! This is a comment line; it is ignored by the compiler
print *, 'Hello, World!'
end program Hello
# [Heading Link](#section-i-want)
### [1. Anchor Link](#anchor-link)
# 1.1 [Header](#1.1)
{#id .myClass width=40 height=50}
Fire Information for Resource Management System FiRMS
Image scaling
In computer graphics and digital imaging, image scaling refers to the resizing of a digital image. In video technology, the magnification of digital material is known as upscaling or resolution enhancement.
When scaling a vector graphic image, the graphic primitives that make up the image can be scaled using geometric transformations with no loss of image quality.
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for defining two-dimensional graphics, having support for interactivity and animation. The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium since 1999. SVG
By Original: Kieff and Mysid Vector: OmegaFallon - Own work; vectorization of: 2xsai example.png, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link https://red-route.org/code/image-resizing-calculator
Speed up your Jekyll builds - Mike Neumegen Use front matter to add metadata to your content. GoHUGO - FRONTMATTER Docs SVG DROPSHADOWS - CSSTRiCKS Upgrading to Jekyll 4 and overhauling Theme All versions of jekyll - rubygems.org Organising my Jekyll Blog with Categories CatagoryLoop 3 Simple steps to setup Jekyll Categories and Tags JeKYLL DATE+TiME
https://ricothaka.github.ioHow to resize an image in HTML? It’s time to lazy-load offscreen iframes!
URL Pairing
Psuedo Selectors
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/::before + https://codepen.io/thakarashard/pen/mdYZrrV #TechnologyEducation #StemEducation pairing
Saturday Family Night Fantasy with Pizza
Building a Smarter Los Angeles: Data, Blockchain, and the Smart City By Ted Ross (MoCo Los Angeles) Smart LA SMartCities PDF
Normani I dont know whats going on in your world. But I got my worknotes sored here. BlockQuote is heavily filtered at the library so I dont know what it really looks like
Use Jekyll Front Matter Defaults to set your layouts
#HTML5 video source examples
Attribute selectors
The CSS attribute selector matches elements based on the element having a given attribute explicitly set, with options for defining an attribute value or substring value match.full article on mozilla_developer
img[alt="whiteslavery"] { max-width: 20%;}
img[alt="whiteslavery40"] { max-width: 40%; transform: rotate(45deg);}
img[alt=”whiteslavery”] { max-width: 20%;}
img[alt=”whiteslavery40”] { max-width: 40%; transform: rotate(45deg);}
Passing parameters to includes
You can also pass parameters to an include. For example, suppose you have a file called note.html
in your _includes
folder that contains this formatting:
<div markdown="span" class="alert alert-info" role="alert">
<i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> <b>Note:</b>
{{ include.content }}
ALiSTAPART_The Bathing Ape Has No Clothes (and other notes on the distinction between style and design) ALiSTAPART_Design Choices Can Cripple a Website ALiSTAPART_Good Designers Redesign, Great Designers Realign ALiSTAPART_Designing Through the Storm ALiSTAPART_Staying Motivated ALiSTAPART_Understanding Web Design ALiSTAPART_Marry Your Clients ALiSTAPART_Personality in Design ALiSTAPART_Before You Hire Designers ALiSTAPART_Planning for Accessibility ALiSTAPART_Trans-inclusive Design ALiSTAPART_Immersive Content Strategy ALiSTAPART_Designing Inclusive Content Models NYPLBase The Library’s rapid prototyping system and design pattern library NYPL_STYLEGUiDE_ARCHiVE
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun, and the seventh largest. It’s the only planet we know of inhabited entirely by robots.
Normani please look at this old post, it is a marker for how long i have been focused on Programming CSS
Im working on CSS
Since I’m publishing using ##GiTHUB_PAGES, alot of administration needs are met from my GiTHUB_ACCOUNT, I can focus on coding. Cascading Style Sheets is a legit programming language for the browser. Using the site David Shea Started, I can get this Jekyll account to another level. I really need this book The Zen of CSS he published. I have to create navigation to my resume and create a contact page. Im using GiTHUB Repositories to manage individual pages right now because it is a small site and I want psychological separation which social media does not provide. I was blackballed on Linkedin for just not knowing enough for my age, and my family+romance life. Every woman that committed to me was sold into sex slavery and kidnapped by ##INSTAGRAM_PiMPS_and_MARKETED_iN_FACEBOOK_BROTHELS. They are still trafficked as prostitutes. IT people in the DEVOPS generation often fool themselves into thinking prostitution is normal and the family which is affected is the problem. This view has left people with familes discriminated against in the ##IT_MARKETPLACE, but here in Los Angeles after 2 years of homelessness, I sense my luck changing… So Im working hard to clean up my image and reputation outside social media, which has brought me closer to my family
. I cant test touch screens at this point from Palmdale Public Library’s traditional Optiplex desktops Memphis police release photos of 2 suspects wanted over Young Dolph’s shooting death
Another bill again-Tony Rebel McDonalds Ronald McDonald and Mayor McCheese in Space, 1978 Another bill again-Tony Rebel Astronaut Chick Truth Gonna Hurt You <~ late for work ? idk
Tesla Coils at Griffith Observatory video
Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit designed by inventor Nikola Tesla in 1891.[1] It is used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high-frequency alternating-current electricity.[2][3] Tesla experimented with a number of different configurations consisting of two, or sometimes three, coupled resonant electric circuits.
FlexBox Demo
Ed is a builtin text editor often found on Posix based systems. I learned about sed while working for Fiserv a fiscal data holdings company. I cant remember how i built out my then famous scheduling kiosk but i feel like i was a gui based option like gedit thats bundled with gnome. But then again i was a KDE user and i use a lot of tutorials. But from what i recall of my fiserv interview; Todd Goldsmith asked me how to edit a file in vi, i recall sayinng “i dont know”.. and aftee getting hired learning the technology.
<=is a ed append(ation)
Back to ed
Since the girls went missing i have no income bc i was doing all the admin work for me and coral for all three relationships erika(biomommy), Muna, Sartu(normani) and when they migrated to playboy via trunk at least the last two, the ones that loved me… I lost all access to services and while the library is open i have reputation issue which make the staff slow to help me, so i just use guest passes and print. ú One day, doing some research for work, i stumbled onto an old ATT document “The UNiX Programming Environment”. Since I have no income i eat breakfast at St Francis and 5 days a week they let you eat inside, so its a nice short break after sleeping outdoors. Its a recovery center as well monitored by UCLA. Oneday dueing breakfast, i pull reading material out of my 3ring binder an felt inspired to work on myunixing and started readinbthe preface. It was an amazing feeling because finding pure Posixguidance is challenging but worth the quest! If im stuck on linux like i am now UsingAndroid i can direct my energy places that make me better prepared to solve some complex puzzle that can randomly arise being aNasa-JPL Employee . E-ntering the rhythm of yhe text my heart filled with mystery an joy about the infrastructure i work with my team to care for here in north america and out interstellar flyingtoasters. more that soft mushiness later!
Discovering Ed
After becoming overwhelemed with joy that i was getting UnixLessons from TheEra i settled into a short introduction to creating files. Ed was introduced with an innocence that it was enough to accomplish anyjob. so ibput on my Att Hardhat Heart and dug in. The tutorial is so straight forward find it here. if u knkw the basic utils like ls, u can blog at microblogging intensity on github. Using github … man i got tricked. Jeff worked for JPL so my time being homeless an mistreated by family services seems like a bosshogjoke to babysit dance411 while the porno scourge subsides an prostitution mellow out …
as far as blogging goes, if you run cat
+ RegEx
it will print everything neatly
@RepKarenBass @Power106LA @nasajpl #grad pic.twitter.com/dZ8s8RgZlD
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) February 21, 2025
Ed example as found in
The Unix Programming Environment
^_^]What files are out ther
Let's create two files, jun
k and temp, so we know what
we have:
$ ed
To be or not to be ^_^]w junk 19 q
$ ed
That is the question.
^_^]w temp
q $ ^_^]The character counts from ed include the character at the end of each line, called newline, which is how the system represents RETURN.
#SMARTLA @RepKarenBass eric garcetti got jealous of my #SmartphoneConfigs and helped the rappers ban me from #TheLibrary @HildaSolis #stemEducation @LACo_DPSS pic.twitter.com/hHXBa9xZE9
— BubbleGumPop626 (@BubbleGumPop626) January 4, 2024
Tar is so confusing. its just a few flags to do most things you need to do and of those ‘-t’ i can never remember the key to listing whats in a tarball -c creates the tarball -x extracts -v gives verbosity! scrollinng through the man pages i saw so much potential to create masdive accessible data arcivrs like the host on archive.org. I wanted to tar up bash.md so when i upload ivto archive it will be the same or closer. i like origioanl files. Being the age i am the nft emotion makes sense but yhe market does not… its just laziness and mild retardation… Basic tar Operations - math.utah.edu GNU tar: an archiver tool Packaging with tar - https://unix.stackexchange.com/
Me Rashard
ReFreshingTarskiLLs for @nasa-jpl + @cityoflosangeles since we are @whitehouse technical support and reporters in the LosAngeles area!
HECC - NASA HiGH END COMPUTiNG uses tar. I dont know what shiftc
is but either way data archiving is a big part of life @nasa-jpl @blackgirlscode Zip vs Tar.gz Files Explained and Compared (Archiving and the DEFLATE algorithm) Linux File System/Structure Explained! How to extract tar files in python RelatedTweet
The “IT” GIRLS 💗💅🏽| A Kinigra Deon Original
book with same title LightboxViewer Kinigra Deon Kinigra TiKTOK KinigRa on @twitter @nasa-jpl this is one of the girls from atlanta(ish) that need protection digitally @blackgirlscode she made a movie an she know coral~
@GeorgieC @LaurieofMars @WomenNASA whoever of age to work please guide them @NASAInterns @RepKarenBass,@BlackGirlsCode has @staceyabrams involved so Im not as afraid @normani. that woman would kill me! @VeronicaMcG @GavinNewsom @GovKemp https://t.co/UyjePQm0aA issa good team #BGC pic.twitter.com/V6UGLu82Ju
— ricoThaka (@RicoThaka) March 5, 2025
Monitoring Options
AT&T Archives: The UNIX Operating System
@nasa @nasa-jpl @blackgirlscode @normani I forked the Linux Kernel for M_R_O Jamie, we can build from this if we are to remain heterogeneuos /ˌhedərəˈjēnēəs/
The Durant_Library garbagepail find
I got really comfortable coding and making github commits to the point i never felt offline. A guy was wierdly waiting for the power outlet at Grand Molina park in downtown los angeles, and i really think he put me to sleep and stole it. I completed an episode of Johnny Quest and left satisfied as my phone hit 100%. Judging by his air he know ppl from magic at the very least bc he had very little respect asking if both outlets were being used. I woke up it was gonr, my backpack was stolen today. Im so confused in so many directions bc since the body is made up of mostly water its a big old magnet! So the object you carry hold magnitism like your own. ITs not as bad as losing my daughter, but i get the displacement when her mother started having sex with other men. We had trouble walking, its like the ground was moving at times, When this phone got stolen I experianced those feelings again so I know me an my child had a good charge. I miss her so much. Imma leave some #MemorialTweets It was a good phone ReadMore BLOGPost on /compiling
GreyHound 1999
Computer School
1999, Erika thats where i went to learn PC repair @whitehouse @blackgirlscode they closed now, we workd so hard together, I was the youngest at 18 on paper now that i have more information on my origin i may have been 14… Coral seem kindabig
Software Library: Flash Interfaces
Learn Termux - for later
Playstation (PSX) BIOS File Pack DuckStation DUCKSTATiON - GiTHUB
Open Camera
Open Camera is an Open Source Camera app for Android™
Version 1.21.1 (1021051) suggested Added on Oct 25, 2024 APK - DOWNLOAD
Nova Launcher Beta
8.1.1 BETA Jun 13, 2024 ? most recent
RetroArch Nightly
Hi MRO, want you to have an update on what my computing situation has been since Jose took my laptop back. Im in the library system but they wont let me have free access to a computer. Its connected to my spouse’s prostitution and porno. In Santa Monica Porn is filmed at the library at times. The security gaurds told me I need an ID to come in! This is the Santa Monica Public Library! and the resulting gossip among security gaurds about me having #Normani_aka_SartuAdem nudes on my cellphone! It was a gift! Im grown and i did not do it on library wifi! There is a law on it i found online. Its filtered now, but i want to know where i stand bc I was attending a dance studio with girls my age and i have been in datacenters most of my life, porn is the channel most ppl in my demographic communicate via to talk to people in the physical world. It causes a lot of hormonal problems and i am a really healthy male. Coral is strong even after the NiCU. Anyway the computers i had accquired got stolen in various ways so there is a big chunck of time i am not building on a Desktop. I promised I would grow as a Sun Admin and while i was without a computer i got turned on to TErmux and leared a lot of cool configurations to do common programming tasks and it even effected my webdesign, i started building on github and what is now my homepage was a fullpage scrolling design like i was seeing life differently. Check out the screenshots below the Termux demo and see my #PocketPC thats what i call Android now…
Its just a Personal Computer
There is such an abstraction when running the manufacure bundeld android. But its normal PC architechture in a small ass package! The Following video is a screenshare of me using Android for abt a half hour on a severley disabled cellphone. No root just termux + fdroid
What is F-Droid?
A Software Repo!
F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device.
The concept of what a Handheld is is greatly challenged with the virtualization options on the platform! The games played really well under Lemuroid and RetroArch there are a lot of what they refer to as CORES which is simply a vmdk in corporate talk a container and it will run 8-bit programs! The potential is limitless for us not being tied to an office. The Municipal Law Enforcement Guys appear advanced at this outside of Fare Enforcement!
here is a few useful core i was reminded of in a reddit post
- DOSBox, an x86 emulator with DOS a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox has already been ported to many different platforms, such as Windows, BeOS, Linux, MacOS X…
DOSBox also emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected mode, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics, a SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound card for excellent sound compatibility with older games…
You can “re-live” the good old days with the help of DOSBox, it can run plenty of the old classics that don’t run on your new computer!
DOSBox is totally free of charge and Open Source. ReadMore DOWNLOAD Classic Dos Games
here is a DosBox example. Its SuperStreetFighter2Turbo ed.!, I had Flashback going, but the entertainment nazi’s my significant other is controlled by broke it, idk if anyone can run it from abandonware
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (dos)
LinuX KErnel Repo ricoThaka/linux/tree/master
We will start with a dump.. and after put a subfolder into posts and populate with a loop pointed at the subfolder